Why the positive review?

Story: Review of Fedora Core 2 test 1Total Replies: 1
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Feb 17, 2004
12:58 PM EDT
People are asking me why I've given FC2t1 a positive review, when so many things are broken. The reason is: this is the equivalent of ALPHA software and you go into that expecting things to be broken.

Considering the untested release, they have done surprisingly well. FC2 is on track to be another excellent distribution to come out of Raleigh, even though this test1 is nowhere near ready to be used by virtually anyone full time.

The review I have written is basically a "progress report", not a review of production software.


Feb 17, 2004
6:36 PM EDT
I agree with you Dave... after playing with FC2t1 for a couple days now, I'd have to say that it has exceeded my expectations for a test release. In fact today I ran 'Test 1' in a 'light production' server environment (secondary dns for a few dozen sites) for an 8 hour test. No problems with reliability.

Your numbers showing better virtual memory handling with the 2.6 kernel were certainly encouraging.

Congratulations to the community on moving forward to the next level...

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