this article is almost pure fud...

Story: Breach Candy Hospital Diagnosed With Linux DilemmaTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Feb 26, 2004
6:50 AM EDT
I believe that what the article is reporting is true, but it is still just fud.

To see for yourself, just replace "Red Hat" with "Microsoft" and "Linux" with "Windows". You'll have to substitute the apprpriate version levels and names of company reps, but you will see how ridiculous the statements made are:

"Detailing the departments ‘[Windows] dilemma’, Dilip Desai, Head-MIS, Breach Candy Hospital, said, "We purchased 25 licences of [Microsoft Office XP], but they remain unused as [Windows 98] does not support [Microsoft Office XP]." To add another nail to the coffin, the desktop does not even support new generation printers with USB ports, added Desai. Interestingly, the problem does not end here. Says Desai, “We thought of swiching over to the next version, i.e [Windows XP Professional], but it causes slow processing of individual machines, due to which installation of databases like DB2 and Informix has not been possible.” Rushing in to defend the credibility of [Windows], [Some Micro-serf] , Director-India, [Microsoft], said, “[Windows 98] is an older version which is no longer sold, and therefore customers need to upgrade for full compatibility with other devices and applications.” "

If this hospital tried to do the same thing with old versions of Windows that they have tried to do with old versions of Linux, they would have the same dilema.

If they have old desktop hardware they should try using the old hardware as server terminals and run a new version of Linux on two newer servers. They need to check out the linux Server Terminal project.

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