Truth in advertising see URL

Story: CMP joins Microsoft FUD campaignTotal Replies: 8
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Jun 25, 2004
5:23 AM EDT
I found the URL for the ebook telling:


They have an antilinux directory? I wonder what else is there.

Jun 25, 2004
5:31 AM EDT
Whoa!!!!! That's craziness!!

Jun 25, 2004
6:01 AM EDT
Is there actually a story here? Or is this some POS ad. I checked the link and all I saw was an ad for some M$ e-book. I saw some links, but I'd rather not chase down story links, especially when the site is M$ advertising. The only site listed as blocked was doubleclick.

Jun 25, 2004
6:04 AM EDT
No story. jlnca came and posted the link, simply to draw attention to the fact that CMP was doing this activity alongside Microsoft.

The real story is in this thread, in which Chris pointed out the directory name in their path, which includes "antilinux". Oofta.


Jun 25, 2004
6:44 AM EDT
Is this any surprise to any one?

Jun 25, 2004
7:44 AM EDT
I would have liked to use that ebook.exe thingamabob but it doesn't seem to run when I click on it in Nautilus. :) I guess they must know that once you switch to Linux you'll never want to switch back so there's no point in letting Linux people in on their little secrets. It's more than likely spyware anyway.

Jun 25, 2004
7:59 AM EDT
Void: It's more than likely spyware anyway.

Do you mean the ebook or Windows :)

Jun 25, 2004
8:32 AM EDT
I was referring to the ebook. I already *know* Windows is spyware. :)

Jun 25, 2004
3:26 PM EDT
Take a peek at the story about 'Linux Antivirus Software Found Vulnerable To Attack'.

Is it just me, or does that not describe a potential problem with all unzipping code on any platform?

Classic FUD, or what?

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