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Matthew Arnold: Why I switched to Fedora

To a veteran user of other distributions, Fedora can be a challenge. If you are making the transition from another distribution, here are a few observations and tips to get you started.

Network Policy in Kubernetes

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Aug 5, 2020 10:40 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
By default, pods accept traffic from any source. A network policy helps to specify how a group of pods can communicate with each other and other network endpoints.

Latest Firefox rolls out Enhanced Tracking Protection 2.0; blocking redirect trackers by default

Today, Firefox is introducing Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) 2.0, our next step in continuing to provide a safe and private experience for our users. ETP 2.0 protects you from an …

Storage in Kubernetes

Data cannot be stored in the pod, when the pod is deleted or is terminated the data within it does not stay on the system. To provide long-term and temporary storage to Pods in the cluster, Kubernetes provides different types of storage mechanisms.

Wrap it before you tap it? No, say Linux developers: 'GPL condom' for Nvidia driver is laughed out of the kernel

  • The Register; By Tim Anderson (Posted by bob on Aug 5, 2020 4:28 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Kernel, Linux
Facebook's man told: 'OK, now you are just trolling us'. Linux devs have dismissed a proposed patch to the kernel that would only work with a Nvidia driver, motivating a second patch that will prevent disguised use of proprietary code in GPL modules.…

Red Hat changes certification rules in response to the coronavirus pandemic

  • ZDNet | open-source RSS; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Aug 4, 2020 11:31 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux, Red Hat
Unfortunately, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, it's harder than ever to take the tests you need to get or keep a certification. Red Hat, the Linux and cloud power, has an answer. Red Hat is extending your soon to expire certifications and has launched a new online certification testing program for its top four certifications.

Creating and debugging Linux dump files

Crash dump, memory dump, core dump, system dump … all produce the same outcome: a file containing the state of an application's memory at a specific time—usually when the application crashes. Knowing how to deal with these files can help you find the root cause(s) of a failure. Even if you are not a developer, dump files created on your system can be very helpful (as well as approachable) in understanding software. This is a hands-on article, and can you follow along with the example by cloning the sample application repository with: read more

How to Install Apache Solr on Ubuntu 20.04

Apache Solr is a scalable, reliable, and fault-tolerant NoSQL search tool written in Java and released under an OpenSource license. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Apache Solr 8.6 on Ubuntu 20.04.

Use your favorite programming language to provision Infrastructure as Code

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 4, 2020 1:30 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
As you navigate the world of IT and technology, there are some terms you come across repeatedly. Some of them are hard to quantify and may take on different meanings as time goes on. "DevOps" is an example of a word that seems (to me) to change depending on the person using it; the original DevOps pioneers might not even recognize what we call DevOps today. read more

Do math in the Linux shell with GNU bc

Most POSIX systems come with GNU bc, an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Its syntax is similar to C, but it also supports interactive execution of statements and processing data from standard in (stdin). For that reason, it's often the answer to the question, "How do I do math in the Linux shell?" This style of response is common online: read more

Why I use Ingress Controllers to expose Kubernetes services

The meteoric rise of containerization and microservices has been necessary to meet the growing demand for applications, but getting it right means overcoming some critical network orchestration challenges. Out of the complexities that developers of cloud-native applications face, strategically utilizing Kubernetes ingress controllers is among the most difficult components to understand—and among the most important.

Backup and restore Toolboxes

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on Aug 4, 2020 2:21 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Fedora
Toolboxes started life often described as disposable containers – and that is still one of their major uses: install stuff, then try it out in the relative safety of a container, and lastly, cleanly dispose of it. If you have ever spent time setting up a toolbox container and would like to back it up, this article is for you.

Linus Torvalds pines for header file fix but releases Linux 5.8 anyway

Lots of love for AMD and POWER 10 and a hint of some Google's operational code making it into future releases Linus Torvalds has released a new version of the Linux kernel.…

Practice parsing text in NLP with Python

  • (Posted by bob on Aug 3, 2020 10:38 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Natural language processing (NLP) is a specialized field for analysis and generation of human languages. Human languages, rightly called natural language, are highly context-sensitive and often ambiguous in order to produce a distinct meaning. (Remember the joke where the wife asks the husband to "get a carton of milk and if they have eggs, get six," so he gets six cartons of milk because they had eggs.) NLP provides the ability to comprehend natural language input and produce natural language output appropriately. read more

Backup and restore Toolboxes

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on Aug 3, 2020 4:29 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora; Story Type: News Story
Create a backup of your Pet toolbox container. If you have ever spent time setting up a toolbox container and would like to back it up, this article is for you.

How to run Python Scripts with Apache and mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 20.04

mod_wsgi is an Apache module that provides an interface for hosting Python based web applications under Apache. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and set up of mod_wsgi with the Apache server on Ubuntu 20.04 server.

Why making mistakes makes me a better sysadmin

I've been a Fedora Linux contributor for a little over a decade now. Fedora has a large community of developers and users, each with a unique set of skills ranging from being a particularly discerning user to being an amazing programmer. I like this because it inspires and motivates me to develop new skills of my own. read more

Venerable text editor GNU Nano reaches version 5.0 and adds the modern frippery that is scrollbars

  • The Register (Posted by bob on Aug 2, 2020 8:52 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU; Story Type: News Story
Three big upgrades since 2018 suggests it's far from terminal Cult text editor GNU Nano has released a major update, taking the terminal-based program to its fifth version in twenty years.…

8 tips for running a virtual hackathon

Hackathons are events where developers, product managers, designers, and others come together to tackle problems over a short time period. They have become increasingly popular over the last 15 years after OpenBSD ran the first hackathon in June 1999. These events provide several benefits—greater engagement across the community, innovation and new ideas, awareness for the organizers, and networking opportunities for participants. read more

Kontron debuts hardened OpenWrt stack on new rolling stock computer

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Aug 2, 2020 12:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Kontron’s fanless EN50155-certified “SR-TRACe-G40x” railway server and router runs a hardened, new hypervisor based on OpenWrt called SEC-Line on a Skylake or Apollo Lake CPU and offers 2x SATA, 2x GbE, LTE, WiFi, and GNSS. Kontron unveiled an “edge data processing router/server gateway” for the rail industry based on 6th Gen Core or Apollo Lake […]

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