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Chop up RSS feeds the way you want it

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Uche Ogbuji (Posted by solrac on Oct 27, 2006 7:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
The combination of open, flexible Web APIs and content uploaded by users and maintained in user networks is the true 2.0 of Web 2.0. In this article, you'll learn how to use the Amara XML Toolkit to download and parse the RSS feeds and JSON, Python and Javascript to incorporate only what you want into your own Web site.

IBM gets the YouTube itch and scratches it

  • IBM/alphaworks (Posted by solrac on Oct 27, 2006 12:23 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
The image of YouTube as a revolutionary alternative to corporate media culture has just been blurred a bit. Here IBM is trying to leverage the YouTube channel with a very well done video about its alphaWorks tech download site and its 10 year anniversary.

AIX commands you should not leave home without

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Shiv Dutta (Posted by solrac on Oct 26, 2006 5:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
AIX has a vast array of commands that enable you to do a multitude of tasks. Depending on what you need to accomplish, you use only a certain subset of these commands. There are a few core commands that you commonly use. This article will cover some of the core commands with the intent to provide a list that you can use as a ready reference.

MyFaces and Facelet Java-based MVC Web apps

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Susan L. Cline (Posted by solrac on Oct 25, 2006 9:01 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
The ready-to-download sample application in this article uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to illustrate the power of the MyFaces components and the ease of developing with Apache Derby and the latest view technology, Facelets.

Friendlier RSS and Atom with XSLT stylesheets

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Benoit Marchal (Posted by solrac on Oct 24, 2006 7:49 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
One of the challenges for webmasters is that RSS and Atom are still very new and few people have heard of them, fewer still understand how to use them and have the right software installed. This article shows you how to put a friendly face on an nxw97FriendlierFeeds RSS or Atom feed with XSLT stylesheets. Until they are more widely known and understood by the masses.

Cookbook for Apache Geronimo install in minutes

Get a cookbook-style guide for downloading, installing, and configuring Apache Geronimo. Not a chef? No worries. There are two basic methods for setting up Geronimo, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. This article covers both methods and presents some of the arguments for and against them.

Apache Geronimo and the Spring Framework, Part 3

In this installment, you'll learn how to let the integrated technologies -- like Spring Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Spring Data Access Objects (DAO) APIs -- do the work by reading your application data dynamically from an Apache Derby database.

Recent SOA announcements and SOA developer resources

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Patrick Flanders (Posted by solrac on Oct 22, 2006 4:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
This article offers a variety of resources that address some of the main issues that are part of SOA development. It outlines specific resources to help you understand SOA and deliver your own solutions. It also highlighted products that are specifically related to creating SOA solutions.

A Cliffs Notes guide to the mobile video market

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Larry Loeb (Posted by solrac on Oct 21, 2006 6:33 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
Mobile video is moving just a bit faster than the speed of life, these days. Sprint has just announced its intention to test a video-to-the-handset service called VUE, Qualcomm has hopped on board with its MediaFLO transport mechanism, and users are clamoring for peer-to-peer content on the go.

Mainframe 2.0 concepts for Java developers

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Kris D. Hansen (Posted by solrac on Oct 21, 2006 1:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
The mainframe is cool again. Some are even speculating that a rebirth is occurring and are talking about Mainframe 2.0. Take a look at Mainframe 2.0 innovations and see how to deploy a Java application on the new Big Iron.

Speaking UNIX, Part 4: Setting and managing permissions on UNIX

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Martin Streicher (Posted by solrac on Oct 20, 2006 10:51 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
UNIX provides robust tools and infrastructure so that you can both protect and share information. This article looks at user privileges and, in particular, examines how to manipulate file permissions to restrict or share your directories and files with others. Understanding permissions is crucial if you want to speak UNIX fluently. Learn how to manipulate file permissions to protect your files, or share them with others.

Core functions of Atom illustrated by example

  • IBM/developerWorks; By James Snell (Posted by solrac on Oct 20, 2006 4:02 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
The Atom Publishing Protocol is an important new standard for content publishing and management. It has been deployed to millions of Web sites and is supported by every major syndication platform on the market. In this article, explore a high-level overview of the protocol and its basic operation and capabilities. It illustrates, through example, all of its core functions.

Tunneling with SSH: Windows to UNIX connectivity in a secure world

  • IBM/developerWorks; By James E. Shewbert (Posted by solrac on Oct 19, 2006 11:18 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM, Linux; Story Type: News Story
This article describes the setup of a simple SSH client connecting to an AIX- or Linux-based SSH server that allows a typical, technically literate individual the ability to set up, configure, and operate a flexible means of tunneling data and services over the SSH service. Use OpenSource tools, such as Secure Shell (SSH), PuTTY, and Cygwin, to create secure connections to almost any resource you need to access.

Logical partitioning in the System p5 environment

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Doug McKinzie (Posted by solrac on Oct 18, 2006 9:46 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
Learn the basics of how to partition an IBM System p5 server. Logical partitioning (LPAR) is the ability to logically slice up a single system's CPU, memory, and other resources to create multiple and separate servers. Wouldn't it be nice to consolidate all of those servers onto just a few pieces of hardware to more fully utilize your resources and yet still maintain separate OS environments for each of the applications? With the IBM POWER5-based servers, you can do just that.

Build Ajax fuctions without Javascript coding

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Dale de los Reyes (Posted by solrac on Oct 18, 2006 9:14 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM, Sun; Story Type: News Story
Get familiar with the Sun Ajax4jsf open source framework, which adds Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) capabilities to JSF applications without having to write any JavaScript code. This tutorial will show you how to build an Apache Geronimo applications using JavaServer Faces and Ajax functionality with Ajax4jsf.

Cache in with JSON to Ajaxianize your web apps

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Bakul L. Patel (Posted by solrac on Oct 18, 2006 3:13 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
JSON helps provide an Ajaxian nature to a Web application. Learn an elegant way to cache metadata on the client side with the help of server code, which provides JSON-formatted (JavaScript Object Notation) stringified metadata. This approach also enables you to handle multivalue and multigroup attributes in a manner similar to Ajax.

Crossing Borders: What's the secret sauce in Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails seems to be a lightning rod for controversy. At the heart of most of the controversy lies amazing productivity claims. This article explores the compromises and design decisions that went into making Rails so productive within its niche and how Ruby on Rails, like a nail gun, saves so much time.

WHATWG is doing with HTML5, Web Forms, and XHTML

This is a very good 2 part series about the WHATWG. The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), is a loose collaboration of browser vendors (Mozilla, Opera, and others), who focus their improvements towards creating Web applications.

Remove the smell from your build scripts

Smelly code will surely cost you valuable time. How much time do you spend maintaining project build scripts? Probably much more than you'd expect or would like to admit. This article shows you how to improve a number of common build practices to create consistent, repeatable, and maintainable builds. Knock the stink off those scripts.

The ultimate Mashup with RDF and OWL

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Nicholas Chase (Posted by solrac on Oct 12, 2006 8:08 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
Two good tutorials to help you build the ultimate Mashup using RDF and OWL.

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