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Ryan McBride works full time on OpenBSD development. His first contribution was adding IPv6 support to PF, OpenBSD's stateful packet filter. More recently he was the primary developer of CARP, the Common Address Redundancy Protocol, a patent-free alternative to HSRP and VRRP.
In this interview, Ryan discusses the development of CARP, explaining what it is and how it works. He reflects on patents and the difficulties OpenBSD has faced trying to work with IANA. Finally, he also highlights some of the new functionality that will be found in the upcoming May 1, 2004 release of OpenBSD 3.5.
I have been an increasingly reluctant user of Microsoft FrontPage for many years, so I was looking forward to testing Nvu, a fully Open Source program that is designed to effectively replace FrontPage. When Nvu turned loose its beta release for public consumption in February, I instantly downloaded copies of both the Linux and Windows versions. The verdict? Nvu holds promise, especially in its user interface, but FrontPage won't be going away soon.
"Will Sun be using a significant portion of the settlement proceeds to benefit Java developers and strengthen independent, standards-based efforts to advance Java?" That's the question asked by Rick Ross. "Will Sun prove it has the vision to strengthen Java by recognizing and assisting the independent developer community?" he adds.
How will the future operating systems look like? How the user interface, the inner workings, the security policies and the networking will interact? In any case, innovation is the key.
ipsec-tools contains a vulnerability that affects connections authenticated with X.509 certificates.
Brendan sees Mozilla developing into an open cross-platform alternative to forthcoming Microsoft technologies such as XAML and is looking to collaborate with other open-source projects to make this happen.
"Our global chairman, chief executive officer and president Matthew Szulik was in the country in January to study the Indian market and decide on Red Hat's investment plans for the region. Red Hat is bullish on India and has major expansion plans for its operations in the country. This may include setting up a development centre to harness the huge potential here," said Javed Tapia, director, Red Hat India.
Open source software is flowering this spring in Greater Boston. Companies are distributing, writing programs for, investing in, and profiting from, the free computer software that is emerging as an alternative to proprietary systems like Microsoft Windows.
Multiple vulnerabilities in the way sysstat handles symlinks may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code or overwrite arbitrary files.
The pact with Microsoft will not curtail Sun's open-source advocacy, says Scott McNealy Despite a new window into Microsoft's proprietary technology, Sun Microsystems won't stop its call for open standards, executives and analysts say.
Is it possible that one day soon, when you boot up your PC, the Linux penguin will walk across the screen instead of the familiar red, green, blue and yellow boxes of Windows? Well, it's definitely in the works, but you shouldn't expect it overnight if you live in the U.S. or Europe.
We've all seen Microsoft's latest barrage of studies that say their products are more cost-effective than the competition. Naturally, many accuse Microsoft -- and other companies that publish outside studies that support their corporate goals -- of bias, if not outright deception. To get a little more insight into the value of TCO studies, we turned (via email) to David A. Wheeler, who has done more than a few software cost-comparisons himself, for advice about how much we should (and shouldn't) trust "sponsored" research.
Innoopract Informationssysteme will ship a version of its W4T (Worldwide Web Windowing Toolkit) Eclipse Plug-In development tool which adds Linux as a development platform. Previously, the product only supported development on Windows but interfaces developed with it could be deployed on Linux.
556-Processor Cluster Will Support Grid Technology Research
This past February David Skok's new VC firm - Matrix Partners - orchestrated, with Accel, a $10 million investment in JBoss, Inc. This first round of funding in an open source company was a bold play, but then David Skok, famous in the Java arena as the founder of SilverStream Software - acquired by Novell in 2002 - is no stranger to bold moves.
The Met Office is using a Linux software management package to improve communication with university research departments and manage and deploy software and antivirus updates. The government weather agency plans to complete installation of Novell's Ximian Red Carpet Enterprise product in the next three months.
Red Hat is turning off its Red Hat Linux 9 support April 30, but on May 1, Progeny will be turning on its support for the distribution.
tcpdump, a tool for network monitoring and data acquisition, was found to contain two vulnerabilities whereby tcpdump could be caused to crash through attempts to read from invalid memory locations. This bug is triggered by certain invalid ISAKMP packets.
GNU/Linux vendors Debian, Mandrake, Red Hat, and SUSE have joined together to give a common statement about the Forrester report entitled "Is Linux more Secure than Windows?".
Welcome to this year's 14th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the Debian community. Manoj Srivastava sent out the final call for votes on the project leader election and revealed that 351 of the 908 developers have already voted. Andreas Schuldei is still looking for ideas for talks for the upcoming Debian Conference.
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