Showing headlines posted by roperzh
Weekly Command: inspecting network usage with iftop
If you need a tool to inspect your network usage, without having to wire a proxy or install a more complex tool like Wireshark, iftop may be what are you looking for.
Weekly Command: managing processes with htop
htop is an interactive command-line process manager that allows you to visualize, sort and manage processes running in your system.
Weekly Command: Fuzzy finding everything with fzf
An example-driven post featuring fzf, a flexible command-line fuzzy finder. fzf is an interactive fuzzy finder, it reads a list of items from STDIN, and writes the selected item to STDOUT. If no input is provided via STDIN, fzf by default will use the find command to fetch the list of files excluding hidden ones.
Weekly Command: going over Git history with tig
An overview of tig, a text-based interface for Git
Weekly Command: jumping directories with z
Navigating directories have never been easier with z. This tutorial describes how to use it and how it works
Weekly Command: processing JSON with jq
The command of this week is jq, a flexible tool to process and manipulate JSON input. Before we start, let me say that a blog post can’t do justice to jq without turning into a full manual. If you are eager to learn more, head to the resources section.
Memories of writing a parser for man pages
Details about the behind the scenes of writing a parser for man pages: groff, macros (mdoc & man) and more.
Rediscovering make: automatic variables
Despite its simplicity, automatic variables are very convenient when writing non-trivial makefiles. This article covers what they are and how to use them.
Rediscovering make: the power behind rules
An overview of GNU make rules: targets, prerequisites, special targets and more