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Microsoft schmoozes open source president
Microsoft has made one of its most direct overtures to the open-source software community to date, in the form of an invitation to Michael Tiemann, president of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), to begin a "productive conversation".
Red Hat frees Fedora project
Mark Webbink, deputy general counsel for Red Hat, announced in his keynote address this morning at the Red Hat Summit that Red Hat is freeing the Fedora project from its direct control. Red Hat has created the Fedora Foundation -- to be run by an independent board of directors -- which will direct and control the project from now on. Webbink said Red Hat made this move because it listened to the Fedora community when it said it would be more comfortable about the project if it were not directly owned by a commercial firm.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r6)
This is the sixth and final update of Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (codename ‘woody’) which mainly adds security updates to the stable release, along with a few corrections to serious problems. Those who frequently update from won't have to update many packages and most updates from are included in this update.
Brazil adopts open-source software
...computers here now use the Linux operating system. It has many similar functions to Microsoft's Windows - but unlike Windows, it is available for free. Increasingly, Brazil's government ministries and state-run enterprises are abandoning Windows in favour of 'open-source' or 'free' software, like Linux.
Red Hat pushes for the middle
Linux vendor Red Hat is adding virtualisation technology to its offering of open source applications, chief executive Matthew Szulik told in an interview at the Red Hat Summit in New Orleans.
Linux database gains show progress in the data center
Some observers attribute the growth of Linux servers to the migration of lower-end platforms, such as old Windows NT or Novell file and print boxes, to Linux. The open source operating system is still at the periphery in enterprises and not in large data centers, they say.
A loss to the community
From the Libranet website: Important Notice June 1st 2005 Libranet is sad to inform you that its founder and President, Jon Danzig, passed away this morning. In keeping with our traditions we will be closed until June 13th 2005 at which time Libranet will reopen. During this time emails may not be responded to and delivery of pre-ordered CDs will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding. Libranet GNU/Linux
LinuxFest Northwest 2005: Wrap-Up Report
Free and open-source software enthusiasts from around the Northwest headed to Bellingham recently for this annual event.
My Workstation OS: Linux From Scratch
Like nearly every other person who has contributed to this series, I have tinkered around with my share of Linux distributions. I happened on Linux From Scratch (LFS) about an year and a half ago. With LFS, my choices run deep into the system -- into matters such as which shell to run, what feature of glibc to use, and how to tailor boot scripts. LFS 6.0, which is what I have built my system around, comes with gcc 3.4.1 (which is used to build everything else), a fairly recent CVS build of gcc 2.3.4 (which the LFS team provides for download), kernel, and udev.
OOo Off the Wall: Tabling the Notion, Part 2
Although not as versatile as a spreadsheet, table formulas in OOo Writer can help you automate more of your work.
Red Hat CEO Talks Up 'Open-Source Revolution'
Red Hat opens its first partner and customer get-together with a song, an announcement of the open-source rebirth of the Netscape Directory Server, and an odd dig at Sun.
Top minds must open to open source
The potential importance of open-source models is beginning to dawn on mainstream business and government. How companies and nations respond could help to determine who thrives in the growing know-ledge economy. Yet a high proportion of decision-makers is only dimly aware of what open-source is and why it matters.
Open source projects 'need more customer focus'
Developers have been urged to pay more attention to issues such as support, documentation and roadmaps if they want companies to trust open source
Two Enterprises Share Linux Success Stories
At the Red Hat Summit, KeyWest Bank says open-source software has brought cost savings.
Google to Students: Try Open Source
Search giant Google has announced a contest that is intended to introduce aspiring developers to open source software. To sweeten the pot, Google will give $4,500 to each student who completes an open source project. Several groups are participating, including Gnome, Apache and The Wine Project, among others.
20 Percent of You Are Using Firefox
Hear ye, hear ye: Over the last week, 20.02 percent of visitors to have been using Firefox as their browser. I believe that's the first seven-day period in which the Little Browser That Could has surpassed 20 percent usage here. (It shot up to about 18 percent usage very quickly after its official release, and has been gaining more users at a much more leisurely pace in recent weeks.)
Google Offers $4500 Open Source Bounties
Application NewsThe Summer of Code is Google's program designed to introduce students to the world of Open Source Software Development. The open source model of software development is one of the most effective innovations of all time. Who doesn’t love the idea of great programmers working on their own time to crank out elegant code that benefits us all?
Report: OpenNMS: A Study in Deployment
"At one point we had three separate network monitoring systems, three separate performance management tools and a plethora different scripts, web pages and command line tools. We sent out critical alerts by email, pager, and SMS, often to completely inappropriate people. The company was growing, and it looked like it was beginning to need a grown-up systems management tool, but which one...?"
A good morning with: Theo de Raadt
Everybody know that you're the OpenBSD and OpenSSH GURU and creator, one of most famous and used secure operating system nowaday. Why you created them? What did you need many years ago from os world when you created OpenBSD? What inspired you to write from scratch OpenBSD and OpenSSH?
EC official says Europe is falling behind on open source
An official at the European Commission has called on Europe to take a more proactive approach to open source or risk missing out, and outlined steps that European businesses and governments can take to help open source.
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