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Integrated open source stacks to gain traction
As organizations build out their SOAs, open source software is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to commercial product suites. But a lack of integrated open source stacks and a slew of misconceptions still impede widespread adoption.
Tonight on The Linux Link Tech Show
Chris Kennedy, ivtv driver developer and Jarod Wilson, author of the Fedora MythTV How-To will be our guests
Review: Mandriva Limited Edition 2005
Shortly after announcing the merger of Mandrakesoft and Conectiva into Mandriva, the newly combined company released a transitional "limited edition" GNU/Linux distribution to bridge the gap between the two parent distributions. Mandriva Limited Edition 2005 may look a little different, but it's the same great Mandrakelinux desktop distribution that you're used to.
Open Season on Open-Source Licenses
The OSI risks alienating vendors by pursuing strict open-source licensing requirements.
Quantum GIS Community : Interview with Frank Warmerdam
This week we have the pleasure of interviewing Frank Warmerdam. Frank is well known in the Open Source GIS Community for his GDAL (Generic Data Access Library)/OGR library which provides seamless access to a wide range of vector and raster GIS data formats. GDAL/OGR is used in virtually all of the popular Open Source GIS applications out there - including of course QGIS
Novell Keeping an Open Mind on Linux
"The combination of Linux and identity is a powerful one," Messman told 6,000 attendees at this year's BrainShare conference. "Businesses are turning to Linux because it helps them address their priorities."
A Look at the Linux World Canada Show
On the scene of Canada's largest computer show for 2005.
Ubuntu 5.04 International Screenshot Tours
In addition to the OSDir Ubuntu 5.04 screen shots posted at, international desktop screen shots are now availble. Languages include Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Enjoy!
Red Hat expects more subscribers
Red Hat Inc, a leading provider of open source solutions for enterprises, expects more Malaysian companies to subscribe to its service with the launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 4.
Exploring the Eclipse JDT and ASTParser
This article will show how you can create Java classes from scratch using the Eclipse ASTParser.
Review: Fedora Core 4 Test 2--Plenty to Look Forward to in FC4
"RHEL 4.0 was quite nice and a great update for enterprise Red Hat users. I even have an FC3 box around that I use to keep myself up to speed on what is certainly a popular distribution for both new Linux users and Red Hat Linux refugees. So let's look at the latest and greatest from Fedora, Fedora Core 4 Test 2..."
Is it time to switch browsers?
There is a better way to browse the internet than with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. That's what the news about the Web browser Firefox would have you believe. The upstart, open-source browser has even rekindled talk of a "browser war", which practically no one has spoken of since the old days of Internet Explorer versus Netscape.
Firefox news readers run the gamut
Mozilla's Firefox browser includes a built-in capability (Live Bookmarks) for working with news feeds. However, there are numerous news reading extensions available that provide a full range of additional capabilities, from "just the basics" to options for managing and using collections of news feeds.
Ubuntu plans desktop raid
More than 150 developers of the recently released Linux distribution Ubuntu are in Sydney working on storming the desktop market.
Ubuntu Linux: Free and Fabulous
The 'Hoary Hedgehog' release of Ubuntu Linux is here, and the Free Agent likes what he sees.
British Gov' Agency to recommend OSS for schools.
Becta, the Government's lead agency for ICT in education, is set to release a new report which will say that schools could save significant sums by switching to open source software, eGov monitor can report.
Looking for a robust database system?
THE little known open source relational database management system FirebirdSQL is finally gaining momentum and recognition. This database system sprang forth when Borland's (called Inprise then) InterBase 6 sources were opened to the public in 2000.
Linux to get trusted, better desktop support
Microsoft may have raised eyebrows when it announced its intentions to turn Windows into a "trustworthy" platform, but the open source Linux is set to support trusted computing, among other enhancements, in its next release. Speaking at Linux Australia's annual Linux conferernce,, in Canberra last week, Colorado-based Linux kernel developer Jonathan Corbet said predicting kernel development is hard but is "possible".
Auckland firm stands by Open Source
A small Auckland company is proof that it is unnecessary to stick to Microsoft-based software to run a viable IT services business.
Detecting suspicious network traffic with psad
Have you ever wondered how many people are scanning your server looking for weaknesses? One way to find out is to install the Port Scan Attack Detector (psad), is a collection of three lightweight system daemons that alert you to suspicious network activity by analyzing iptables log files.
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