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While XQuery was designed for querying large document bases, it serves as a fine tool for transforming simple documents as well. This article shows how XQuery offers a fast and easy way to scrape HTML pages for the data you need. XQuery is the perfect tool for you if your goal is simplifying complex pages for display on small screens, or extracting elements from multiple pages to aggregate them together on a home-grown portal, or simply extracting data from Web pages because there is no other programmatic way to get the data.
The Open Enterprise Server aims to facilitate migration to Linux.
SCO Group has finally made public the Web site it promised last fall. purports to be "The Right Place for SCO Intellectual Property Information." Weekly Screenshot Tours for March 24, 2005. We installed some great distros over the past couple of weeks.
We were able to grab screenshots of the following: Solaris 10 CDE 1.6, Solaris 10 JDS 3, K-DEmar 3.0, SphinxOS 4.0 Home Edition, Mandrakelinux 10.2 RC1, Damn Small Linux 1.0 RC1, Momonga Linux 2 beta 1, Kubuntu 5.04 Preview (KDE 3.4), BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 Beta, Mozilla 1.7.5, Linspire Five-0, and Ark Linux 2005.1 (KDE 3.4).
Despite open-source developers' concerns, Free Software Foundation's general counsel predicts no difficulty in moving to third version.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is one of the last application areas in which Linux has little or no impact. The Peerstone Group, a market research firm, found that only two percent of corporations relied on Linux to support their ERP applications in 2004. Yet, recently, a growing number of Linux ERP vendors have emerged. Although obstacles remain, the future of Linux in ERP looks promising.
"Information-technology Promotion Agency(IPA, in pdf), an extra-departmental organization of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan has been supported open source software development. Some efforts are now available: framework for printing, Samba internationalization, a tool for hacking Gtk+, ssh in Java, manuals for, and GRASS internationalization."
I have espoused the cause of Ingres for some time and, especially, I have commended Computer Associates' decision to take the Ingres database into the open source community. Now, I dare say that at some point CA will tell me all about its "open source challenge" and how successful that has been in developing new facilities for Ingres. And they will also tell me about how many downloads there have been (though I am cynical about the utility of such a figure). But this article is about one company, Datallegro, which has adopted Ingres as its database.
Linux offers an excellent alternative for businesses looking for something different in an OS. However, Linux with all of its components and options installed can be a massive resource hog. Enter "thin clients," pared-down Linux installations, which offer a streamlined OS for lighter system usage.
Some developers are concerned that the introduction of the third version of the GNU General Public License could split the free software world - but the FSF is confident these fears are unfounded.
I found the GNOME desktop more appealing than KDE until I found Mandrakelinux 10. Mandrake looked good to me, from its fonts to its slide bars. On the functional side, it had some wonderful system administration tools, graphical and centralized. But for some reason Mandrake 10 didn't find my home wireless network. That led me to search for alternatives. I discovered PCLinuxOS, a free LiveCD distribution originally based on Mandrake.
Interested in learning how to build a highly available solution platform for J2EE? Follow along as this article explores the concept of delivering on the continuous computing promise. It shows you how to produce a complete scalable solution that offers high availability.
There are several Rational software products based on the Eclipse platform. These products provide vital functionality for the software development lifecycle, including modeling and architecture, design and construction, and testing.
IBM has released a multi-platform
policy-based autonomic management infrastructure that simplifies the automation of IT and business processes. It includes an autonomic manager, a component for policy storage, user libraries, and application programming interfaces (APIs). See tutorial to
learn how to use the Autonomic Computing Expression Language (ACEL), an XML-based expression language, to create an expression, parse it, prepare input for it, and evaluate it.
Foreword: This article introduces a network camera based on embedded Linux, an open FPGA, and a free, open codec called Ogg Theora. Author Andrey Filippov, who designed the camera, says it is the first high-resolution, high frame-rate digital camera to offer a low bit rate. Enjoy . . .
Linux developers have nearly finished their work supporting storage protocols and clustering interfaces for InfiniBand.
Sure, open source is the coolest thing since sliced bread... but before he opens the checkbook, your boss is going to want more definitive reasons for implementing OSS in the company. As part of our renewal of Linux and open source book reviews, we examine a book that has all the right reasons for open source in one place.
March 24, 2005 10:41 AM PST
La Quinta Inns has already adopted the open source JBoss application server platform. Now it is considering a move to Linux.
SALT LAKE CITY -- I had an abbreviated schedule here on Day 4 as the main phase of Brainshare 2005 drew to a close. BrainShare will continue Thursday and Friday, but the press and the outside vendors will be gone. It'll be quality time for Novell and its customers. So I'll use the occasion to provide a wrap-up of the conference rather than another daily summary.
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