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So Much for the Linux Threat
I've reported in Windows IT Pro UPDATE several times over the years about Linux and its potential to unseat Windows Server as the most used enterprise OS. As a general rule, each January seems to bring a collection of "This Will Be the Year of Linux" stories, typically from analysts who've been bowled over by the Linux hype. To be fair, I've always assumed that Linux and Windows would some day run neck-and-neck in the server world, with Linux's perceived security, cost, and reliability advantages as the major reasons. Also, the past few years have been tough on Microsoft, as the company has suffered through a mind-boggling series of security snafus.
Linux: The forking fight-back
Community developers claim the Linux Standards Base could be the perfect retort to fragmentation scare stories banded about by critics of open source
Debian Project Leader Elections
According to the constitution (5.2. Appointment), project leader elections should begin "nine weeks before the leadership post becomes vacant, or (if it is too late already) immediately."
EU ruling shuns open source, critics say
The European Commission's requirement that Microsoft license certain of its communication protocols will do little for competition in the workgroup server market if a draft license proposed by Microsoft is accepted, open source software advocates say.
PalmSource to Present Linux Roadmap at DevCon
PalmSource is getting ready to reveal its Linux plans.
New Linux Security Book
We are proud to announce a new self published security book called "Network Security Using Linux".
The risks inherent in open source today
There's so much to love about open-source technology that oftentimes the downside aspects aren't a hot topic. But open-source applications need as much attention as any other enterprise systems as there is substantial risks to be respected. The SCO Group, which filed a $1 billion lawsuit against IBM claiming Big Blue infringed its intellectual-property rights in Linux, likely represents just the beginning of potential litigation involving open-source software.
Plans to Parcel Linux Standards Base Meet with Approval
Analysts and Linux vendors approve of the LSB's new modular approach, which may lower costs and lead to more applications for Linux.
Open Source: spinning straw into gold
Rumpelstiltskin is dead. And good riddance.
Linux, PowerBASIC, and interoperability with Windows
A combination of Linux and the DOS version of the PowerBASIC compiler is a powerful solution for simple (and not so simple) programming tasks. You can create blazingly fast fully multi-user databases and other applications that run under Linux. As PowerBASIC was designed to run at reasonable speed on XT's, 286's and 386's, it runs like nobody's business on modern multi-gigahertz CPU's.
Linux Gazette #111 is out!
Linux Gazette is a volunteer-run monthly web magazine dedicated to two simple ideas: making Linux a little more fun, and sharing ideas and discoveries.
Using Cloudscape with WebSphere App Server
This article describes changes and new features in IBM Cloudscape Version 10.
Ret. World Bank CTO on Corp. Desktop Linux Facts
W. McDonald Buck, retired CTO of World Bank, believes we need to take a more honest and frank look at the Cost Analyses it will take to put Linux on the corporate desktop. In Part I of Corporate Desktop Linux - The Hard Truth he begins with one of the most common misconceptions... that a business can buy a computer without Windows and save money in the transaction.
IBM launches second Linux-only server
IBM upped the ante on Linux last week with the launch of its second Linux-only Power5-based server. IBM also announced a virtualization and partitioning program that lets small and midsized businesses consolidate workloads on the OpenPower 710 and its predecessor, the four-processor 720.
The debate as to whether or not a kernel module is a derivative work of the Linux kernel itself and thus must also be released under the GPL has come up many times. Linus Torvalds has previously noted that things like drivers that were originally written for other operating systems that have since been ported to Linux fall into a gray area...
World's largest Linux migration gets major boost
The world's largest Linux migration is speeding ahead, with the German national railway announcing Wednesday it has successfully moved all its 55,000 Lotus Notes users onto the open source operating system.
HA-OSCAR: Five Steps to a High-Availability Linux Cluster
The HA-OSCAR project's primary goal is to improve the existing OSCAR, Beowulf architecture, and cluster management technology systems (including OSCAR, ROCKS, and Scyld) while providing high-availability and scalability capabilities for Linux clusters. The OCG recognized the project as an official working group, along with the current OSCAR and Thin-OSCAR working groups. HA-OSCAR introduces several enhancements and new features to OSCAR, mainly in the areas of availability, scalability, and security. The new features in the initial release are head node redundancy and self-recovery for hardware, service, and application outages.
Sun preparing open source developers' bill of rights
Sun Microsystems is writing a developers' "bill of rights" to pacify critics of its Common Development and Distribution License and to outline the level of legal protection provided to those using code released under the license.
Linux boom boosts conference
The annual Linux "geek-fest" is booming, with submissions for this year's conference three times the number required. "As you can imagine, the selection process is very difficult," said 2005's Rusty Russell, one six selectors forced to knock back two-thirds of submissions due to time constraints.
Daffodil DB v4.0 launched with Compiere support
4th Feb, 2005 (Gurgaon, India): Daffodil Software today announced the stable release of version 4.0 of its popular Java database - Daffodil DB.
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