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Build your own text editor in Java
There are a lot of text editors available. There are those that run in the terminal, in a GUI, in a browser, and in a browser engine. Many are very good, and some are great. But sometimes, the most satisfying answer to any question is the one you build yourself.
A 2020 love letter to the Fedora community
Fedora Project Leader recaps the year in Fedora and the success we've had as a community in a difficult year.
Use the Markdown Editor app in Nextcloud
The advantage of plain text is that there’s no extra computer-specific information cluttering up your otherwise human-readable writing. The good thing about computers is that they’re programmable, and so as long as we humans agree to follow very specific conventions when writing, we can program computers to interpret human-readable text as secret instructions. For instance, by surrounding a word with two asterisks, we not only give a visual cue to humans that a word is significant, but we can also program computers to display the word in bold.
4 considerations for getting started with CI/CD in 2021
In 2020,'s articles about continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) aimed to help you rethink your infrastructure with continuous delivery. If you're new to the CI/CD way of doing things or you need a refresher, read on for summaries of the top four CI/CD articles of 2020.
Deepin 20.1 Released with Improved Performance, Enhanced Desktop Environment
The Deepin 20.1 Debian-based Linux distribution has been released as a new installation media packed with performance improvements, new apps, and updated internals.
New worm turns Windows, Linux servers into Monero minershegt/he
A newly discovered and self-spreading Golang-based malware has been actively dropping XMRig cryptocurrency miners on Windows and Linux servers since early December. This multi-platform malware also has worm capabilities that allow it to spread to other systems by brute-forcing public-facing services (i.e., MySQL, Tomcat, Jenkins and WebLogic) with weak passwords as revealed by Intezer security researcher Avigayil Mechtinger.
How to Delete Linux Files and Directories using Python
Learn how to use Python to delete Linux files and Directories
How To Run VSeeFace On Linux Using Lutris!
VseeFace is an application that can be used for 3D character tracking in the .vrm format. Applications like this are really needed by YouTuber or what is often called Vtuber. Vtuber will usually use a 3D or maybe 2D character for streaming, or to discuss something.
Open Source Networking in 2020, Dent Gets First Release, OPNFV Gets its Last Release
As the value of open source networking continues to grow, the Linux Foundation is moving forward with new efforts for 2021.
Learn Lua by writing a game
If you're a fan of scripting languages like Bash, Python, or Ruby, you might find Lua interesting. Lua is a dynamically typed, lightweight, efficient, and embeddable scripting language with an API to interface with C. It runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and it can be used for everything from procedural programming to functional programming to data-driven programming. It can even be used for object-oriented programming through the clever use of arrays, or tables, used to mimic classes.
Do you know that you can monitor what the users are doing in your Linux servers? Acct is an open source application that you can use for this task. This tool comes with the functionality of running in the background and tracking user activity.
Choose between Btrfs and LVM-ext4
Fedora 33 introduced a new default filesystem in desktop variants, Btrfs. After years of Fedora using ext4 on top of Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volumes, this is a big shift. Changing the default file system requires compelling reasons. While Btrfs is an exciting next-generation file system, ext4 on LVM is well established and stable.
How to connect from CentOS 8 to Windows 10 Desktop via RDP
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a Microsoft protocol designed to manage systems remotely. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up a remote desktop client on CentOS 8 and how to access the machine remotely.
How to install ReactJS on Ubuntu 20.04
ReactJS is a free and open-source JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install create react app and host a ReactJS application with Nginx web server on Ubuntu 20.04.
How to Check Available Package Updates in Linux
2DayGeek: This quick article shows you how to check for package updates available on Linux.
How to Install Xfce 4.16 Desktop in Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 20
Xfce 4.16 is released a while back with many new features and improvements. In this guide, we lay out the steps to install Xfce 4.16 desktop environment in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Silverjuke - jukebox for the desktop
My attention to Silverjuke was reignited by one of our visitors. I had tried this software a few years ago. It’s a music and video player written in C++ and C. Let’s see how it fares.
10 examples of using Python in 2020
As in recent years, Python proved a popular programming language in 2020. Each year, publishes various articles about Python to pique new users' interest and help long-time Pythonistas expand their skills. The following are's top 10 articles about Python in 2020.
Xavier NX based edge AI system eyes large deployments
Axiomtek’s “AIE100-903-FL-NX” is an edge AI system built around Nvida’s 6-core Carmel Arm v8.2 64-bit processor and 384-core Volta GPU. The system integrates Allxon’s device management solution. Axiomtek has announced its AIE100-903-FL-NX edge AI system. The box-level system is powered by the Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX module. The Xavier module sports a a 6-core Nvidia […]
7 Linux Port Scanners for Admins and Enthusiasts
Admins can choose from a large number of Linux port scanners when performing security audits or monitoring network services.
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