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Debian Testing UEFI setup on bare metal via manual partitioning

Even though snaps show was created in VENV, everything works the same way on bare metal. After you created the new partition of desired size installer brings you to screen which allows to redefine functionality of partition and assign name to folder supposed to be mounted on this partition . In case name of folder is not on the list you can create new folder's name manually . . . .

Practice coding in Java by writing a game

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 16, 2020 2:09 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Games; Story Type: News Story
My article about learning different programming languages lists five things you need to understand when starting a new language. An important part of learning a language, of course, is knowing what you intend to do with it. I've found that simple games are both fun to write and useful in exploring a language's abilities. In this article, I demonstrate how to create a simple guessing game in Java. read more

Ubuntu vs. CentOS for Small Businesses

  • Rose Hosting Blog; By (Posted by RoseHosting on Dec 16, 2020 1:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Choosing an operating system for your server or business is not an easy task, especially if you are looking to use a Linux distribution. This is because there are hundreds of versions available for Linux, each with their own benefits. Out of the hundreds of options, the most popular choices for web servers are Ubuntu and CentOS. Knowing the differences between Ubuntu vs. CentOS for small businesses can help you decide which will work best for your business’ use case.

Tails 4.14 Released with Support for Ledger Hardware Wallets, Linux Kernel 5.9

The Tails project announced today the release and general availability of Tails 4.14, a new monthly update to their Debian-based live GNU/Linux distribution for keeping your online presence anonymous.

Try the e3 Linux text editor

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 15, 2020 11:05 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
What if you could have a tiny text editor with different modes to emulate your choice of Emacs, Vi, Pico, NEdit, and even WordStar? Amazingly, such an editor already exists, and it’s called e3. It has no library dependencies, and its binary is less than 20KB. Installing On Linux or BSD, you can install e3 from your distribution’s software repository or ports tree. read more

The best Linux distros for gaming in 2021

  •; By Liam Dawe (Posted by liamdawe on Dec 15, 2020 10:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Games
For newer Linux users or people looking to switch, it can be a minefield to try and find accurate and up to date info on what Linux distro to game with. Here to help. What is the best Linux distribution for gaming? It's actually not a tough question.

Cross-Platform Screenshot Tool Ksnip Sees New Major Release

  • Linux Uprising; By Logix (Posted by logix on Dec 15, 2020 9:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Ksnip, a feature-packed cross-platform screenshot tool, has been updated to version 1.8.0, receiving new image annotation / manipulation tools, the ability to pin screenshots in a frameless window, and much more.

How to Tweet Directly from Debian GNOME Desktop using Tweet Tray

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Dec 15, 2020 8:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Debian
In this article, we will explain how to install and use the Tweet tray utility to tweet directly from the Debian desktop. We will explain the installation of Tweet Tray via both command-line and GUI.

How to Use Perf Performance Analysis Tool on Ubuntu 20.04

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Dec 15, 2020 6:59 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu, Linux; Story Type: News Story
Perf is a simple but powerful performance monitoring tool for Linux based operating systems. It is used to trace or count both hardware and software events. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and use Perf performance monitoring tool on Ubuntu 20.04.

Rocky has competition as more CentOS alternatives step into the ring: Project Lenix, Oracle Linux vie for attention

Big Red: This is not some gimmick so that you buy support from us In the wake of Red Hat's decision to end support for CentOS Linux comes a raft of alternatives to fill the void, including Project Lenix - an offshoot of Cloud Linux - and Oracle's free Linux, which Big Red is heavily promoting.…

You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 5.10 LTS on Your Linux Lite PC, Here’s How

Once again, users of the Ubuntu-based Linux Lite distribution are the first to install and try the newest Linux kernel release, in this case Linux 5.10 LTS.

9 things to do in your first 10 minutes on a Linux server

When I test software on Linux (a regular part of my job), I need to use multiple servers with various architectures running Linux. I provision the machines, install the required software packages, run my tests, gather the results, and return the machine to the pool so that others can use it for their tests.

Predictions 2021: Open Networking & Edge

As we wrap up 2020, I wanted to take a moment to look at where the industry is headed and what we’ve learned this year.

How to Easily Create Cron jobs in Linux with Zeit

  • Make Tech Easier; By Odysseas Kourafalos (Posted by damien on Dec 15, 2020 1:43 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Zeit is a graphical app that makes managing your cron jobs very easy. Let's see how it allows you to easily create cron jobs in Linux.

Radicle: An Open-Source Decentralized App for Code Collaboration P2P GitHub Alternative

  • It's FOSS; By Ankush Das (Posted by abhishekpc on Dec 15, 2020 12:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Radicle is an open-source project that aims to facilitate peer-to-peer code collaboration without depending on a centralized server. In other words, it’s a P2P alternative to GitHub.

How to Rename a Directory or Multiple Directories on Linux

File-system management is an important skill to have if you are working with Linux systems often. This how-to article shows you the various ways to rename directories on Linux, using mv, rename, find and mmv

Set up an Ansible lab in 20 minutes

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 15, 2020 10:38 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Cloud; Story Type: News Story
Being able to build and tear down a public cloud environment is very useful, but most of us don’t have easy access to a public cloud. The next best thing would be to have a lab on your local machine, but even running on a local machine brings performance, flexibility, and other challenges. Most of the time, the additional workloads on our local machines interfere with doing our daily job, and they certainly prevent having a readily available environment to play and experiment with new software. read more

Linux Kernel 5.10 LTS Officially Released, This Is What’s New

Linus Torvalds officially released today the Linux 5.10 LTS kernel series, which brings numerous new features, improvements, as well as new and updated drivers for better hardware support.

Ultra-compact Apollo Lake net appliance has mini-PCIe and M.2 too

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Dec 15, 2020 8:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Axiomtek’s “NA347” network appliance runs Linux or Win 10 on a dual-core Celeron N3350 with up to 8GB RAM, 3x GbE, 2x USB 3.0, HDMI, M.2 for SATA, and mini-PCIe and nano-SIM for wireless. Axiomtek has released an even smaller, 146 x 118.2 x 26mm variation on its quad-port, 146 x 118.2 x 33.5mm NA346 […]

Write in XML with the NetBeans text editor

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 15, 2020 7:34 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Apache; Story Type: News Story
I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in NetBeans, a Java IDE (integrated development environment) maintained by the Apache Foundation. I find it’s got a good mix of automated abstraction and manual configuration that helps me keep my Java projects organized and optimized. Not all IDEs give much thought to text files, but XML is frequently used in Java projects, so XML support in NetBeans is an important feature. read more

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