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How to Find Recently Modified Files/Folders in Linux
2DayGeek: The Find command is one of the most useful commands that allows users to find recently modified files and folders on Linux.
Introduction to the Linux chgrp and newgrp commands
In a recent article, I introduced the chown command, which is used for modifying ownership of files on systems. Recall that ownership is the combination of the user and group assigned to an object. The chgrp and newgrp commands provide additional help for managing files that need to maintain group ownership.
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How To Install and Enable SSH Server on Debian 10
SSH, for Secure Shell, is a network protocol that is used in order to operate remote logins to distant machines within a local network or over Internet. SSH architectures typically includes a SSH server that is used by SSH clients to connect to the remote machine.
In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can install and enable SSH, via OpenSSH, on a Debian 10 distributions.
In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can install and enable SSH, via OpenSSH, on a Debian 10 distributions.
Excellent Utilities: Liquid Prompt – adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
For anyone spending time at the CLI, they’ll rely on the shell prompt. My favorite shell is Bash. By default, the configuration for Bash on popular distributions identifies the user name, hostname, and the current working directory. All essential information. But with Liquid Prompt you can display additional information such as battery status, CPU temperature, and much more.
Getting started with data science using Python
Data science is an exciting new field in computing that's built around analyzing, visualizing, correlating, and interpreting the boundless amounts of information our computers are collecting about the world. Of course, calling it a "new" field is a little disingenuous because the discipline is a derivative of statistics, data analysis, and plain old obsessive scientific observation.
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Microsoft is Not an Open Source Authority But an Opponent of Open Source
Various outlets that are closely connected to Microsoft are trying to convince us that Microsoft is now 'king' of Open Source; nothing could be further from the truth however
Paste Command in Linux
paste is a command that allows you to merge lines of files horizontally. It outputs lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines of each file specified as an argument, separated by tabs. In this tutorial, we will explain how to use the paste command.
The Linux gaming Sunday round-up paper
Catch up on some recent big news and some things we haven't covered through the week...
When was the last time you used Windows?
Which Windows version sounds most familiar to you? Take our poll.
What’s the Best Alternative to Windows 7?
For consumers, migrating to Linux is a much easier thing to do, especially if we’re talking about power users. Distributions like Linux Mint have become much more user-friendly in the last couple of years and they provide users with a rather familiar UI similar to the one in Windows.
Pushd and Popd Commands in Linux
pushd and popd are commands that allow you to work with directory stack and change the current working directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. Although pushd and popd are very powerful and useful commands, they are underrated and rarely used.
Code it, ship it, own it with full-service ownership
Software teams seeking to provide better products and services must focus on faster release cycles. But running reliable systems at ever-increasing speeds presents a big challenge. Software teams can have both quality and speed by adjusting their policies around ongoing service ownership. While on-call plays a large part in this model, advancement in knowledge, more resilient code, increased collaboration, and better practices mean engineers don't have to wake up to a nightmare.
How to Install Go on Debian 10
Go is a modern open-source programming language created by Google, used to build reliable, simple, fast, and efficient software. Many popular applications, such as Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, and Rancher, are written in Go.
How spicy should a jalapeno be?
Everyone has opinions and preferences, especially when it comes to food. To establish a criterion when answering "How spicy should a jalapeño be?." the Scoville Heat Scale was developed as a standard to measure spiciness. This scale allows people to communicate and share information about how spicy we like our peppers.
Weekly Roundup: The Passion Of Saint iGNUcius Edition
A defense of Richard Stallman
Hone advanced Bash skills by building Minesweeper
I am no expert on teaching programming, but when I want to get better at something, I try to find a way to have fun with it. For example, when I wanted to get better at shell scripting, I decided to practice by programming a version of the Minesweeper game in Bash.
Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop, a follow-up
LXer Feature: 21-Sept-2019
A successful conclusion..
I recently detailed my attempts to install Linux as an alternative boot an SD card in a new Dell laptop. Those attempts failed. See Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop for the details. Microsoft has continued in their usual way and notified me last week that the current feature update of Windows on that laptop would soon be unsupported and urged me to update to the latest version.
A successful conclusion..
I recently detailed my attempts to install Linux as an alternative boot an SD card in a new Dell laptop. Those attempts failed. See Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop for the details. Microsoft has continued in their usual way and notified me last week that the current feature update of Windows on that laptop would soon be unsupported and urged me to update to the latest version.
How to compare strings in Java
String comparison is a fundamental operation in programming and is often quizzed during interviews. These strings are a sequence of characters that are immutable which means unchanging over time or unable to be changed.
Java has a number of methods for comparing strings; this article will teach you the primary operation of how to compare strings in Java.
There are six options:
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Red Hat OpenStack Platform 15 Marks End of Short-Term Support
Red Hat OpenStack Platform 15 is the last release that will only be supported for a year, as the company moves to a new model to support the open-source cloud platform.
Arch Linux Review in 2019
Started since 2002, Arch Linux has built up a large, loyal following of users who love Arch's KISS approach, where minimalism and choice reign supreme.
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