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How to Remove (Delete) Directory in Linux
There are several different ways to remove directories in Linux systems. If you use a Desktop file manager such as Gnome’s Files or KDE’s Dolphin then you can delete files and directories using the manager’s graphical user interface. But, if you are working on a headless server or want to remove multiple directories at once your best option is to delete the directories (folders) from the command line.
Navigating the Bash shell with pushd and popd
The pushd and popd commands are built-in features of the Bash shell to help you "bookmark" directories for quick navigation between locations on your hard drive. You might already feel that the terminal is an impossibly fast way to navigate your computer; in just a few key presses, you can go anywhere on your hard drive, attached storage, or network share. But that speed can break down when you find yourself going back and forth between directories, or when you get "lost" within your filesystem.
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How to Create CS:GO Server on Linux VPS
If you want more control when playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, you can create your own CS:GO server on Linux rather than using Steam's server.
Is Arch Linux Better than Ubuntu?
A commonly asked question is "Is Arch Linux better than Ubuntu?" We compared the two to see which is better. Here are our findings.
Linux Mint 19.1 Users Can Now Upgrade to Linux Mint 19.2 "Tina," Here's How
Linux Mint 19.2 "Tina" is now available and the upgrade path from the older Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" release has been open for all users who opted out to upgrade their systems.
How to Setup Tonido Personal Cloud Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Tonido is a free application server that allows you to access all your files on your computer from a web browser. You can share files with your family, friends, and colleagues, and also create a secure share to only allow authorized people. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure Tonido Personal Edition on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Multi-cloud: 8 tactics for stronger security
How can you plan for strong security while using multiple cloud services? Experts share advice on planning, portability, tools, and other key multi-cloud security considerations
FFmpeg 4.2 "Ada" Open-Source Multimedia Framework Released, Here's What's New
The FFmpeg project released a new major version of their open-source and cross-platform multimedia framework used by numerous games and applications, FFmpeg 4.2.
Final Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 version released
Red Hat has just released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7.
Install Kali Linux in VMware/Virtual Machine.
Kali Linux is an open-source operating system designed for IT professionals, computer geeks and pen-testers. If you are enthusiastic to learn Linux, you need to install it first. So, here I will explain to you "How to install Kali Linux on VMware."
SparkyLinux Gets New Development Cycle Based on Debian GNU/Linux 11 "Bullseye"
The Debian-based SparkyLinux operating system has entered a new development cycle based on the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 11 "Bullseye" operating system series.
Is Perl going extinct?
Is there an endangered species list for programming languages? If there is, Command Line Heroes suggests that Perl is somewhere between vulnerable and critically endangered. The dominant language of the 1990s is the focus of this week's podcast (Season 3, Episode 4) and explores its highs and lows since it was introduced over 30 years ago.
How To Setup Chrooted SFTP In Linux
Setup Chrooted SFTP to allow the users to connect through SFTP, but not allow them to connect through SSH in Linux.
3 tools for doing presentations from the command line
Tired of creating and displaying presentation slides using LibreOffice Impress or various slightly geeky tools and frameworks? Instead, consider running the slides for your next talk from a terminal window.
The Eric Lundgren Case and Similar High-Profile Plea 'Bargains' (Aaron Swartz and Marcus Hutchins)
Unjust and at times fatal plea ‘bargain’ tricks are being leveraged against people who fight ‘the system’; Eric Lundgren has come to realise he’s one of these people
Unboxing the Raspberry Pi 4
When the Raspberry Pi 4 was announced at the end of June, I wasted no time. I ordered two Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kits the same day from CanaKit. The 1GB RAM version was available right away, but the 4GB version wouldn't ship until July 19th. Since I wanted to try both, I ordered them to be shipped together.
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Debian ‘Buster’ 10.1 coming in Septemeber
Debain's latest version 10.1 will be released next month
Cp Command in Linux
When working on Linux and Unix systems, copying files and directories is one of the most common tasks you'll perform on a daily basis.
Avoiding burnout: 4 considerations for a more energetic organization
In both personal and organizational life, energy levels are important. This is no less true of open organizations. Consider this: When you're tired, you'll have trouble adapting when challenges arise. When your energy is low, you'll have trouble collaborating with others. When you're feeling fatigued, building and energizing an open organization community is difficult.
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How dd command works in Linux with examples
Dd is a vary powerful and useful utility available on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. As stated in its manual, its purpose is to convert and copy files. On Unix and Unix-like operating systems like Linux, almost everything is treated as a file, even block devices: this makes dd useful, among the other things, to clone disks or wipe data. The dd utility is available out of the box even in the most minimal installation of all distributions. In this tutorial we will see how to use it and how we can modify its behavior by using some of the most commonly used options to make your Linux system administration job easier.
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