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Automate Sysadmin Tasks with Python's os.walk Function

Using Python's os.walk function to walk through a tree of files and directories.

OpenStack Now Powers 75 Public Clouds Worldwide

  • eWEEK; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by red5 on Nov 13, 2018 9:47 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Cloud
While a lot of attention is paid to the big three public cloud providers, OpenStack is continuing to find a broad global audience.

The Best Linux Distros For Beginners

Everyone needs to start somewhere, and Linux is no different. Even though it became a meme, telling newcomers to install Gentoo isn’t very productive, and it harms the community as a whole. There are distributions that work to make themselves accessible to people of every skill level and technical aptitude. They’re often called "Beginner distributions", but they aren’t just for beginners. Actually, any one of these choices would be great for everyone, but they’re also the best places for newbies to start.

Have you seen these personalities in open source?

  • (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 7:18 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Mozilla; Story Type: News Story
When I worked with the Mozilla Foundation, long before the organization boasted more than a hundred and fifty staff members, we conducted a foundation-wide Myers-Briggs indicator. The Myers-Briggs is a popular personality assessment, one used widely in career planning and the business world. read more

Install NFS Server and Client on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Nov 13, 2018 6:04 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
In this article, we will explain step by step how to set up an NFS server and client which will enable you to share files from one Ubuntu system to the other.

Michael Howard: Embrace of open source is destroying 'artificial definitions' of legacy vendors

  • The Register (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 4:50 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Oracle; Story Type: Interview
MariaDB boss says IPO is part of his 3-year plan Interview Michael Howard, Berkley grad and alumnus of Oracle and EMC, took the helm at open-source biz MariaDB almost three years ago. Reflecting on how things have changed, he reckons the biggest shift is in how both investors and enterprise have embrace open-source. Now, he has an IPO on his mind.…

How to Install phpMyAdmin with Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04

phpMyAdmin is an open source PHP based tool for managing MySQL and MariaDB servers over a web-based interface. phpMyAdmin allows you to interact with MySQL databases, manage user accounts and privileges, execute SQL-statements, import and export data in a variety of data formats and much more.

An introduction to Udev: The Linux subsystem for managing device events

  • (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 2:21 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Udev is the Linux subsystem that supplies your computer with device events. In plain English, that means it's the code that detects when you have things plugged into your computer, like a network card, external hard drives (including USB thumb drives), mouses, keyboards, joysticks and gamepads, DVD-ROM drives, and so on. That makes it a potentially useful utility, and it's well-enough exposed that a standard user can manually script it to do things like performing certain tasks when a certain hard drive is plugged in. read more

How to build your private cloud office using virtual app appliances

Recently, a new method of installing integrated solutions has been introduced: virtual app appliances, which are basically VirtualBox or VMware images that consist of the apps, UCS management system and the UCS runtime environment. It gets ready-to-use pre-configured applications installed on private server with minimum expertise.

The open source racer 'SuperTuxKart' is looking for testers to try their new online play

  •; By Liam Dawe (Posted by liamdawe on Nov 13, 2018 11:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Games
SuperTuxKart, one of the stalwarts of Linux open source gaming is finally getting online multiplayer. They're also now asking for testers.

iSH - An iOS Linux Shell for Your iPhone or iPad

Have you ever wanted to run a Linux shell on your iOS device to transfer files, write shell scripts, or simply to use Vi to develop code or edit files? Now you can, with a project called iSH that is currently available as a TestFlight beta for iOS devices.

iSH is a project that aims to bring a Linux shell to iOS devices using a usermode x86 emulator. iSH is built on the Alpine Linux distro, which is designed to have a small footprint, be secure, and easy to use with little or no distracting bells and whistles.

4 tips for learning Golang

  • (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 9:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In the summer of 2014... read more

What does your Linux setup look like?

For reasons related to human psychology, we love to compare. In the tech world, people want to know what other people's laptop stickers look like, what text editors and distros they love (and hate), and, of course, details about their Linux setups. Our friend, Steve Ovadia has a whole blog dedicated to the question "What's your Linux rig?"

Palliative care for Windows 10 Mobile like a Crimean field hospital, but with even less effort

Dying OS abandoned by carers. Although Microsoft officially supports Windows 10 Mobile, each update breaks new things – and it has reached comical proportions. Or tragic, if you're still using it.…

Firefox Ups the Ante with Latest Test Pilot Experiment: Price Wise and Email Tabs

Over the last few years, the Test Pilot team has developed innovative features for Firefox desktop and mobile, collaborating directly with Firefox users to improve the browser – from reminders … Read more The post Firefox Ups the Ante with Latest Test Pilot Experiment: Price Wise and Email Tabs appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.

Wrap GObjects in Python

Python is a wonderful language for coding graphical interfaces. Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that. Couple this with Python's ability to easily link to native libraries, and an excellent environment emerges. Learning how to wrap GTK+ C modules for use in Python will enable you to use a C-coded GObject in Python whenever you like, whether or not you're especially proficient in C.

Here's What You Need to Play Total War: WARHAMMER II on Linux and macOS

  • Softpedia; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on Nov 13, 2018 3:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Games
UK based video games publisher Feral Interactive revealed today the official system requirements of the Total War: WARHAMMER II video game for Linux and Mac systems.

A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy

  • - Original Content; By Amber Ankerholz (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 1:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community, Linux
Running an open source program office involves creating a strategy to help you define and implement your approach as well as measure your progress. The Open Source Guides to the Enterprise, developed by The Linux Foundation in partnership with the TODO Group, offer open source expertise based on years of experience and practice.

How to Install Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.8 on Ubuntu

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Nov 13, 2018 12:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
The Zimbra Collaboration Server is a mail server, collaborative web application and a web-based mail server admin console in a single application. It provides LDAP, antivirus, antispam, collaboration features and an ajax webmail client. Zimbra is easy to use for administrators as well as end users due to its fast Ajax-based web interface.

Managing VMs with the Virtual Machine Manager

Explore the use of virt-manager, its capabilities on modest hardware, and how to use it to manage and monitor live VM performance.

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