Web Console 0.2.5 beta has been released!

Posted by alexlederman on Apr 9, 2008 1:04 AM EDT
web-console.org; By Alex Lederman
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Web Console 0.2.5 beta has been released – that is a second public release of the Web Console. Web Console is open source application that provides access to a web server command prompt from an Internet browser. Furthermore, it includes file manager, files upload/download feature and text files editor, which allows to edit files directly on a web server through browser.

Web Console is a web-based application that allows remote users to execute UNIX/Windows shell commands on a server, upload/download files to/from server, edit text files directly on a server and much more. The application is represented as a web page that accepts user input such as a command, executes that command n a remote web server, and shows command output in a browser.

You can use Web Console to:
   — Execute shell commands on the server.
   — Administer and maintain your website or computer from anywhere using Internet.
   — Upload/download files to/from server using web interface.
   — Edit text files directly on the server through browser window.
   — Execute backup and restore routines for files and databases.
   — Setup server scheduled tasks.
   — Easily debug your scripts.
   — Check the web server environment variables.
   — Change server file permissions, locations and directory structure.

Main features:
   — Very easy installation and configuration.
   — No need server administrator permissions for installation.
   — Can be installed on shared web hosting.
   — Uses AJAX, so it works like a real shell terminal.
   — Access to Web Console is protected by login/password authentication.
   — File management, editing, uploading and downloading.
   — Command line history support.
   — Right-click copy/paste support.
   — SSL support (you can secure all Web Console traffic using HTTPS protocol).

To get more information about Web Console or download application, please visit to www.web-console.org.

>>> Web Console screenshots: http://www.web-console.org/screenshots/
>>> Web Console DEMO: http://demo.web-console.org
>>> Web Console official website: http://www.web-console.org

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