Unbundle IE in Europe? Why stop there?

Posted by conz on Jun 17, 2009 9:54 PM EDT
ZDNet UK; By Con Zymaris
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My interest here isn't in what Microsoft and the EU agree to as an appropriate remedy for Microsoft's market dominance in web browsers or past legal transgressions. My interest is in ensuring an increase in the global competition in operating system platforms. In short, unbundle IE in Europe? Why stop there? Why not unbundle the whole of Windows from all OEM PCs shipped in Europe?

The EU regulators have to know that forcing Microsoft to change its practices in order to increase competition in web browsers or media players will mean nothing in the long run, if Microsoft enjoys a near 100% monopoly on pre-installed operating systems on OEM PC hardware. The only thing which brings long-term relief to this ongoing market strangulation by any single vendor, is to make sure that that vendor's "PC bundling air-supply" is switched off.

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Is it really unbundled, or just unbranded? Bob_Robertson 0 968 Jun 18, 2009 1:35 PM

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