Why iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Owners Should Use Linux

Posted by dmbkiwi on Apr 13, 2010 2:06 AM EDT
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For a long time, using an iPhone with Linux was a complete no go. With a jailbroken phone, you could mount it over a wireless connection using fuse, and then sync music your music that way – but syncing an entire music collection via wifi? No thanks. However, thanks to some rather clever folk, there’s a new solution that gives you access to a whole lot of your iPhone functions on Linux “natively”.

For a long time, using an iPhone with Linux was a complete no go. With a jailbroken phone, you could mount it over a wireless connection using fuse, and then sync music your music that way – but syncing an entire music collection via wifi? No thanks. In fact, Apple had made it so hard to access the iPhone over USB, that it took the virtualbox and VMware developers months to work out how to access the iPhone via USB on a Windows guest. So this left Linux iPhone users with the option of either jailbreaking their phone and using a kludgy wifi connection, or running iTunes via windows in a VM. However, thanks to some rather clever folk, there’s a new solution that gives you access to a whole lot of your iPhone functions on Linux “natively”.

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