An In-depth Look at Gentoo Linux

Posted by mgpeter on Apr 29, 2010 7:35 PM EDT
Kernel News
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Kernel News has an excellent article covering the ins and outs of running Gentoo Linux. Not sure why no one covers Gentoo Linux anymore, nice to see someone is covering this excellent Distribution.

Imagine an Operating System that only includes the features that you actually want and use. An Operating System that is finely tuned to your computer hardware. One that doesn't include any resource hogging applications that you don't need such as "Desktop Search" or huge bloated software such as modern music players. A System that doesn't need to be re-installed or upgraded every 6-9 months like most Operating Systems. Well, if you are partial to Linux, Gentoo Linux is such an Operating System.

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Gentoo Linux == Ubuntu 11 ?!? phsolide 2 1,468 Apr 30, 2010 7:17 PM

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