How do you "really" find out if a Linux hosting plan is PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant?

Posted by abefroman on Aug 26, 2010 2:20 AM EDT
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Well you can ask them "are you PCI complaint?" However you shouldn't take their answer at face value. Recently, pretending to be a potential customer with an e-commerce website, I asked 10 random Linux hosts if their shared hosting plan was PCI compliant. 6 said no or no, its not possible on a shared hosting plan, which for the most part is true, especially if its less than $50/mo. As far as shared hosting goes you really should avoid looking at that all together if you are looking for the most secure, as well as a PCI compliant environment. However 3 hosts said yes, they are PCI compliant on their Linux shared plans, which is rather hard to believe.

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major typo in otherwise good article gus3 2 1,447 Aug 26, 2010 3:49 PM

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