Recovering from motherboard failures, and clean computing

Posted by Bob_Robertson on Mar 7, 2011 10:51 PM EDT
Anarchy != Chaos; By Curt Howland
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When last we left the scene, one server was dead, the desktop dieing. However, ordering two new motherboards was successful. They arrived from Magic Micro quickly and in good order, and it was time to clean things up and make two working machines. First, a note on cleaning. I am sick (and tired) of computer hardware that cannot be cleaned. Laptops that require being sent back to the manufacturers in order to be cleaned, things like that. I remember one call to Circuit City for a Sony Vaio laptop I owned, where the person who answered the phone simply did not understand what I meant when I said the fan needed to be cleaned.

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Cleaning hardware Bob_Robertson 2 2,303 Mar 8, 2011 8:46 AM

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