HP kills TouchPad and webOS phones, looks to unload PC business

Posted by JaseP on Aug 19, 2011 10:15 AM CST
ThisIsMyNext.com; By Chris Ziegler
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Just 16 months after announcing the acquisition of Palm, HP has said today that it will “discontinue operations for webOS devices,” saying that the units (presumably the TouchPad, Pre series, and Veer) have “not met internal milestones and financial targets.”

What this means for existing stock of the slow-selling TouchPad and the brand new Pre 3 is unclear, but the company does say that it will “continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward” —not exactly rosy language for webOS’ future as a consumer platform. In fact, it seems like a strong possibility that HP is done with webOS altogether —it’d be an odd play to keep it relegated to printers and the enterprise side of the business if it’s not going to be involved on the device side. Licensing to third parties remains a possibility, but we haven’t heard anything on that front.

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