Run a DLNA Server that Works with a Samsung TV

Posted by dmbkiwi on Feb 6, 2012 7:11 PM EDT
everyday Linux howtos; By dmbkiw
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Having just bought a Samsung ‘Smart’ TV, I was very keen to take advantage of its built in DLNA media renderer. I already have mediatomb running on my headless file/mail/web/whatever server, so I thought I’d be all ready to go. Sadly, Samsung seems to have not implemented the DLNA standard in a sane way, and despite following a number of guides on I found on the internets suggesting sending custom http headers to the TV, I could not get mediatomb to play nicely with the TV.

Having just bought a Samsung ‘Smart’ TV, I was very keen to take advantage of its built in DLNA media renderer. I already have mediatomb running on my headless file/mail/web/whatever server, so I thought I’d be all ready to go. Sadly, Samsung seems to have not implemented the DLNA standard in a sane way, and despite following a number of guides on I found on the internets suggesting sending custom http headers to the TV, I could not get mediatomb to play nicely with the TV.

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DLNA sucks! Khamul 2 2,553 Feb 7, 2012 1:21 PM

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