Revealed: 75 Percent of Ubuntu Users Also Use Windows OS

Posted by neocode on Mar 29, 2012 3:29 PM EDT
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Chances are if you’re using Ubuntu you’re a 25-35 year old male living in either the USA or Mexico. At least, those are the findings from the recently-conducted ‘Ubuntu User Survey 2012?. With a response rate of over 17,000, the survey will help Ubuntu developers better understand their user base.

Chances are if you’re using Ubuntu you’re a 25-35 year old male living in either the USA or Mexico. At least, those are the findings from the recently-conducted ‘Ubuntu User Survey 2012?. With a response rate of over 17,000, the survey will help Ubuntu developers better understand their user base.

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I did that survey tracyanne 10 1,443 Apr 1, 2012 12:41 AM

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