LWN.net Weekly Edition for February 5, 2004

Posted by dave on Feb 5, 2004 5:21 AM EDT
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The best weekly Linux news publication is now available for paid subscribers of their website.

Inside this week's LWN.net Weekly Edition

  • Front: Copyright transfers, slander, and SCO; Needed: code auditors; UserLinux update.
  • Security: Fixing spam with postage; Internet worm crossing
  • Kernel: Software suspend 2.0; DMA pools; snprintf() confusion; Shrinking sysfs.
  • Distributions: Substituting RHEL with Free Alternatives; Five Live CDs Reviewed; New: Compact Flash Linux Project, Lineox, Linux Netwosix
  • Development: The Sussen Security Scanner, ions of ALSA, BusyBox, PyKota, FHS, Mono, PIKT, io, Tkeca, WaveSurfer, KDE, fl-inventor, GIMP, PLplot, hany, Anjuta.
  • Press: UN says open-source is better, Free Software on PDAs, EclipseCon , Darl McBride interview, Andrew Morton interview, SourceForge scription services.
  • Announcements: Lindows loses in the Netherlands, MySQL Press launched, SCO's 10-K, Forms Independent Organization, LSB 2.0.
  • Letters: A followup letter to SCO.

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