Why Windows 7 Is My Last Stop on the Windows Train

Posted by acrossad on Jun 5, 2013 10:31 AM EDT
BeginLinux.com; By Rex Djere
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I have been a faithful user of the Microsoft Windows operating systems for over two decades, starting with Windows 3.1 back in the early 1990s. Over the years, I upgraded to Windows 95, 98, Millennium, 2000, XP, Vista, and finally Windows 7. When I started using GNU/Linux in about 2004, I happily used GNU/Linux and Windows side-by-side, effortlessly switching between the two operating systems. However, Windows 8 would take me along a path that I cannot follow. It is time for me to finally get off of the Windows train.

When I became a GNU/Linux fan back in 2004, GNU/Linux and Windows were similar enough to each other that I could be productive on my Windows computer system without having to ever think about the operating system. That is how I still work today. On my Windows 7 computer system, I install many of the same Free Software programs that I use on my Fedora 18 laptop: Firefox, Chromium, LibreOffice, Gimp, FileZilla, and others. I can also use my beloved Gmail, Google Docs, and Dropbox on either system. The transition is so seamless that it is easy to forget which system I am working on.

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People cling to the familiar Bob_Robertson 5 1,990 Jun 9, 2013 8:15 PM

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