Ubuntu Google Drive Client with Grive and Grive Tools

Posted by Christiaan on Sep 3, 2013 2:19 PM EDT
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There is no official Google Drive Client available for Linux at the moment, but a command line program called Grive provides an open source Linux solution. What was missing was an easy setup and install on Ubuntu and desktop integration. I decided to attempt to provide the missing tools and so Grive Tools came to be - an easy way to setup Google Drive on an Ubuntu Desktop.

There is no official Google Drive Client available for Linux at the moment, but a command line program called Grive provides an open source Linux solution. What was missing was an easy setup and install on Ubuntu and desktop integration. I decided to attempt to provide the missing tools and so Grive Tools came to be - an easy way to setup Google Drive on an Ubuntu Desktop.

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Still no Google Drive client for Linux Steven_Rosenber 0 1,247 Sep 3, 2013 3:28 PM

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