Major Computing Entities as Public Goods

Posted by gregladen on Sep 10, 2013 4:46 PM EDT
Greg Laden's Blog; By Greg Laden
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Google, Twitter, Amazon and other major entities in computing and on the internet hold a great deal of power.

Twitter, Amazon, Google, and similar things are like the railroad, mining, and lumber companies of yore, run by a small number of highly influential individuals who happen to be in charge by a combination of luck and whatever else makes you one of those people. The thing is, these corporations effectively serve as public goods, just like our roads, our power grid, our water and sewage systems, our public mail service, our fire departments, etc. but they are not public entities.

At the moment, we who use the Internet, software, etc. are at risk of the arbitrary decisions of a handful of modern Robber-Barons who got into their present position for reasons other than being thoughtful, sensitive, public servants. All hale the free market.

Is there anything that can be done about this? Possibly. Here are a few ideas...

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Strange definition of power. Bob_Robertson 4 1,818 Sep 12, 2013 8:43 AM

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