OpenOffice XML 2, MS Office XML nil

Posted by swhiser on Sep 29, 2004 9:29 AM EDT
LXer; By Sam Hiser
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OpenOffice XML, the file format that's native to the leading open source office suite, may become an ISO standard. That leaves MS Office XML with...OOoggaatts!

The OpenOffice file format has already been embraced by OASIS (the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), who's Open Office Format Technical Commitee governs the specs of the format. The OASIS TC, composed of document experts from important organizations like Boeing, Sun Microsystems and the National Archives of Australia, was formed when OASIS decided to use the innovative OpenOffice XML file format implementation as the basis for a universal file format standard for office suites.

Now, Micheal Singer, reporting for, explains how Sun Microsystems were recently invited by the European Commission to subit their innovative OpenOffice XML specification to ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. This being the second major standards body to express interest in OpenOffice's XML file format -- at the deliberate exclusion of Microsoft's patent-encumbered XML file format -- signals that OpenOffice is further now on its way to becoming an accepted standard.

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