Migration Oracle10g non-ASM database to ASM on Linux86

Posted by dba477 on Nov 5, 2004 7:16 AM EDT
linuxgazette.com; By Jason Waghorn
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With the introduction of Oracle Database 10g, Oracle now provides Automatic Storage Management (ASM) that is optimized for Oracle files. You may decide to migrate to ASM with a piecemeal approach by allocating new Oracle data files into ASM as the database grows, however to receive the full benefits of ASM such as the ability to add or remove storage from the database configuration with automated balancing of the distribution of the data files without downtime, the entire database should be migrated to ASM.

There are two migration methods, cold migration and hot migration.
Both of these migration methods use Recovery Manager (RMAN)
as RMAN is the utility that must be used to recover a database that is located on an
ASM disk group. The migration method to use depends upon the amount of
storage and processing capacity available, and the amount of down time that can be

Cold Migration
The cold migration method is used when there is insufficient unallocated disk space
available to hold a full copy of the database. This method consists of two phases:
the first phase migrates the flash recovery area, which contains recovery related files
such as archived redo logs and database backups. The second phase migrates the
data and redo log files.

Hot Migration
The hot migration method is used when there is sufficient, unallocated disk space
that can be used for ASM. The amount of disk space required for hot migration
depends on the backup strategy and the amount of disk space used by disk-based
backups. The minimum amount of unallocated disk space required is equivalent to
at least the size of the database. This method consists of a preparation phase that
builds and configures the ASM storage while the database remains online followed
by a short outage phase that switches the database to the new ASM storage while
the database is offline.

Oracle Database 10g Migration to
Automatic Storage Management
An Oracle White Paper August 2004

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Utilizing new SPFILE for migration dba477 0 3,173 Nov 8, 2004 1:34 AM

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