HTTP 304 Not Modified Error: What is it and how to fix it

Posted by RoseHosting on Mar 20, 2025 5:08 AM EDT
RoseHosting Blog; By Jeff Wilson
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This blog post will explain everything about the HTTP 304 status code. HTTP 304 Not Modified is a status code that indicates that the server has found no changes in the requested page since the last visit.

This blog post will explain everything about the HTTP 304 status code. HTTP 304 Not Modified is a status code that indicates that the server has found no changes in the requested page since the last visit. When the URL is entered in the browser, it sends an If-Modified-Since request header to the webserver to determine when the web page was last modified. Then, the Last-Modified response header specifies the time, and if there has been no change, the server will send the HTTP 304 response code. The HTTP 304 status code can be on the server or client page.

In the following paragraphs, we will explain the possible solutions if you face this as the server owner or as a client trying to access a website. Let’s get started!

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