Does Linux Need a $300 Million Ad Campaign?

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Oct 20, 2008 9:25 PM EDT
Linux Journal; By James Gray
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Microsoft is now spending $300 million to counter Apple's "I'm a Mac" ads. Does Linux need its own ad campaign? It has been fascinating to see Microsoft roll out its (can you believe it!!) $300 million ad campaign, the one that counters the now famous and effective “I’m a Mac” ads. With those ads, the Apple folks have done a great job of defining a narrative for Microsoft and, in the parlance of advertising, affecting their brand image. The top dog at Microsoft for managing the brand image of Windows said “[Apple has] made a caricature out of the PC.” Given the stakes in the marketplace, Microsoft had little choice but to invest a ton of resources and get their own message out into the public realm.

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No, but tracyanne 10 1,801 Oct 26, 2008 12:56 PM

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