Enabling Samba Shares Across Subnets, Part 1

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Nov 28, 2008 7:12 PM EDT
LinuxPlanet; By Carla Schroder
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LinuxPlanet Classics: originally published, January 10, 2008

It's a common belief that Samba shares cannot be accessed across subnets. But actually Samba can cross subnets. It's easy for Linux hosts, and a bit less easy for Windows clients. But fear not, for we shall guide you through safely past the traps and pitfalls. In this series we'll set up a Samba server that serves two subnets, which is is a common scenario even on home networks: one wired and one wireless. Then we'll hook up a third subnet just to show how it's done. Once you know how to do that you can easily expand to as many subnets as you want. In Part 1, we'll start out with a simple anonymous file and printer server.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
good article ... but security=share is not recommended hughesjr 0 901 Nov 29, 2008 7:03 AM

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