Why Windows Must Go Open Source

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jan 31, 2009 10:29 PM EDT
InformationWeek; By Charles Babcock
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Suggest that Microsoft's Windows operating system will one day become open source, and knowledgeable observers will give you a baleful look--maybe even laugh in your face. "I had to chuckle," says Forrester Research analyst John Rymer, in response to my query on the subject. "No, I don't think Windows will ever become open source code." OK, so Windows will never become an open source project in the same vein as Linux, with 2,000 developers worldwide submitting code. Microsoft has enough trouble with its own developers submitting code, never mind all those outsiders. And I'll concede that some Windows source code probably will never see the light of day.

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The best argument yet.. Scott_Ruecker 14 1,295 Feb 2, 2009 12:41 PM

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