Taming Twitter with the Command Line

Posted by gregladen on Aug 14, 2009 6:58 PM EDT
Greg Laden's Blog; By Greg Laden
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I thought I was done with the command line for the week, but then I did something cool that I thought I'd share with you. I use twitter to promote my blog, and I follow almost 3,000 people. That means that every few seconds there is an update on my "people I follow" list, and it is almost always something I am not interested in. This makes Twitter kind of useless for me. My want: Manually maintain a file of the names of people whose tweets I want to actually see. An a-list, if you will. Write a script that would use the a-list to generate a list of tweets culled from the larger fire hose list. ... I call it a-tweet. Short for show me the a-list tweets!

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