LMMS: The Linux MultiMedia Studio

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Aug 17, 2009 6:32 PM EDT
Linux Journal; By Dave Phillips
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LMMS is music creation software similar to programs such as GarageBand for OSX and FL Studio for Windows. Those programs are designed to streamline the process of making music with a computer in order to get new users into music composition as quickly and painlessly as possible. Their feature sets include preset audio loops, MIDI tracks, and other ready-made musical materials available for immediate use in a piece. Their GUIs invite involvement in the process of making music and it's clear that the designers want the user to have fun with the program and the process. In this mini-review we'll see if LMMS lives up to the precedents set by those programs.

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dave phillips is the guru tuxchick 2 866 Aug 18, 2009 2:51 PM

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