Announcement: RapidDisk (rxdsk) 2.4 Stable release

Posted by pkoutoupis on Aug 10, 2012 11:55 PM EDT; By Petros Koutoupis
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I just pushed #RapidDisk release 2.4 to the git repo. The changelog can be found here:

I just pushed #RapidDisk release 2.4 to the git repo. The changelog can be found here:

The changes involve the removal of a warning during the build of RapidCache which was apparent in 64-bit builds and not 32-bit. I simply placed a check for 32/64 bit arch and then for each utilize the appropriate methods.

I also addressed an issue with md raid 1 (mirror) and using rxdsk in which the md driver would routinely send I/O of size 0 bytes and rxdsk would return an EIO, failing the array. The problem and solution were found and provided by Dmitry Trikoz of Stratus Technologies. Some of you may recall seeing comments about this in the FAQ ( which also points to the kernel bug I submitted (with brd and md): I will update the kernel bug with the correct data shortly.

I will also post a tarball of the release to the Sourceforge project page shortly (

To stay updated, you can follow the RapidDisk Google+ page:

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Correction: This is the 2.4 release and not 2.3. pkoutoupis 6 1,669 Aug 13, 2012 9:46 AM

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