Advocacy groups decry Freiburg's stealth return to proprietary office

Posted by BernardSwiss on Sep 23, 2012 5:29 AM EDT
European Commission Joinup
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In May, plans leaked that Freiburg's IT department is preparing the city's return to using a proprietary office suite, replacing the free and open source suite OpenOffice. That decision is based on a report from an external consultant, which is kept under wraps. The report has not been shared with the members of the city council. Requests by the press and by the Free Software Foundation Europe to publish the report were denied by the city. The state of Baden-Württemberg does not have a Freedom of Information Act. Freiburg has since May also ignored questions on how it will procure the licences for the software that it wants to use. European procurement rules do not allow requests for a specific brand or product.

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You know, sometimes I understand.. theBeez 3 1,359 Sep 24, 2012 11:27 AM

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