Distroshare - Share and download customized Linux distributions

Posted by hugegreenbug on Aug 12, 2014 8:16 PM EDT
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Distroshare is a new service for sharing and downloading customized distributions. The goal is to make it easier to install Linux, or other open source OSes and to share neat distros with a specific purpose. Too often is there something that needs to be fixed for certain machines after a fresh install. By allowing user submissions, users can upload fixed versions of their favourite distros for their machines.

Distroshare is a new service for sharing and downloading customized distributions. The goal is to make it easier to install Linux, or other open source OSes and to share neat distros with a specific purpose. Too often is there something that needs to be fixed for certain machines after a fresh install. By allowing user submissions, users can upload fixed versions of their favourite distros for their machines.

These user submissions would help new users install Linux as everything should work out of the box. Also, user submissions would help every user with the same machine from following the same steps to get each hardware device to work properly. Why would users want to submit? In addition to helping others get started with Linux, submitters can add a Bitcoin address to each submissions for donations. At the time of this writing, there is only 3 distros available since Distroshare is a very new service. If you've done some customizing that you would like to share, please submit it to https://www.distroshare.com/share/.

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