Announcing a New Online Store for Tux T-shirts

Posted by dave on Aug 18, 2005 6:31 AM EDT
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Still waiting to get that fabulous Tux t-shirt? Wait no more. Now you can get a Tux T-shirt and help out the Linux community! Introducing TuxDelux, a new online store solely devoted to marketing and promoting Tux the Penguin.

Still waiting to get that fabulous Tux t-shirt? Wait no more. Now you can get a Tux T-shirt and help out the Linux community! Introducing TuxDelux (, a new online store solely devoted to marketing and promoting Tux the Penguin.

The brainchild of two Linux enthusiasts, Bryan Dumm and Michael McSteen, TuxDelux is an effort to increase public awareness of Linux by shamelessly marketing and promoting Tux the Penguin, the adopted mascot of the Linux community.

"We don't see Tux as much as we should. We don't see it on the street, in the stores or in any media." said Dumm. "We want to change that."

The two originally thought of the idea for Tux Delux while attending a recent conference. They saw a lot of logos and icons promoting individual software programs and corporations, but nothing promoting the Linux. "Mike and I always talk about the need for 'Place' (one of the four P's of marketing) for Linux. The same holds true for 'Promotion'," Dumm explained.

Both Dumm and McSteen think one of the best ways to introduce the public to Linux is by introducing them to Tux the Penguin. They hope that the more the Linux community promotes Tux, the more the general public will be curious about Linux. "We want people to ask, 'hey, what's up with the penguin?' We want to peak people's curiosity about Tux and Linux," McSteen stated.

"We think Tux is a fantastic image and that the Linux community needs to rally around him to market and promote Linux," Dumm added. currently offers eight different Tux designs, including the original. The company plans to introduce several new designs over the next couple of months.

Visit to find out more. If you have any questions, please contact Michael McSteen at:



Tux Delux LLC c/o Michael McSteen 175 Second Street Athens, Ohio 45701

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
does it just support linux with words? mcsteen 4 1,943 Aug 18, 2005 1:04 PM
Does it just support Linux with words? TxtEdMacs 3 1,694 Aug 18, 2005 8:27 AM

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