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DRM may kill the web, but it won't kill GNU/Linux Linux
They are not rivals and never have been Red Hat Embraces Rival CentOS
Left on the Platform Will Microsoft make Windows free to defeat Android?
you are doing it wrong The Canopy Initiative compells open source technologies to integrate
getting tired of Phoronix SteamOS Didn't Use Ubuntu Over Legal Issues
To secure your phone you need: The NSA, the iPhone and a whole lot of paranoia
Where this is all headed... AT&T turns data caps into profits with new fees for content providers
The Oatmeal brilliantly explains piracy Blu-ray Encryption ”Why Most People Pirate Movies
So will Acer's CEO be offering public apologies... Why Acer's new Android desktops are a game-changer
They can't even if they want to Will Microsoft make Windows free to defeat Android?
Pricy Linksys resurrects classic blue router, with open source and $300 price
condensed version: windows nerd can't leave windows To Windows and Back Again.
Windows is irrelevant to IT future ? The Biggest Problem With Microsoft Windows in 2014
No references to Lumpis Linux Lumpis Linux: A Windows Users Dream if I Ever Did See One
Actually, the desktop lost the desktop Has Linux lost the desktop forever?
Full story: How to integrate Android into KDE Linux desktop
and what about that breach? OpenSSL site defacement involving hypervisor hack rattles nerves (updated)
but is it secure SSH from a web browser tutorial
Slackware and the systemd debate Debian Stil Debating Systemd vs. Upstart Init System
Yumex is where it's at for Fedora Fedora 20 Delivers Updated Gnome Software Center

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