3d Desktop Environment Project Looking Glass, Novell Desktop, any others?

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 05, 2006
8:50 AM EDT
A while back viewing the sun website I came across project looking glass. It seemed like a really cool idea with features such as the 3d views and alpha blending. I really wanted to see if there was any other desktop out yet which can accomplish such feats. so i searched Digg and came across novell desktop. Now I understand they are 2 completely diferent things, novell being a mod for X (I think) and looking glass being its own OS. Are there any other 3d environments available to test out or am I stuck with xcompmgr for the time being? view a cool demo of Novell Desktop @ http://www.linuxedge.org/?q=node/55


Feb 05, 2006
9:13 AM EDT
There's a live cd with demo of the Looking Glass desktop here. https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/

It's a bit clunky or was when I last looked ( a few months ago).


Feb 06, 2006
9:53 AM EDT
Here are some other 3d things, one a 3d desktop(scroll to the bottom for the 3d desktop: http://www.marcelgagne.com/cwl022005.html

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