and the name is.......

Story: Special to the Newswire The Distribution DilemmaTotal Replies: 1
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Mar 09, 2006
6:45 AM EDT


Great idea, though. It would be a very keen move for a company like Dell to create this then release it to the world. Big brownie points for them and it would show them to be serious about "loving" Linux.

Mar 09, 2006
12:43 PM EDT
Actually, I'd rather see the community create it, with input and participation from developers from a few other distributions, as well as from vendors like Dell. Then the vendors can take that and add anything more to it they want, and package it as a tool for their customers, and train their tech support people on that. So when a customer calls in with a bit of hardware not working under their downloaded FOOBAR Linux, the pop in the OEMLinux CD and run that so they can diagnose the problem with tech support in the line.

I do like that name, OEMLinux.

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