It's a LITTLE better than that, dcp.

Story: The State of Graphics on LinuxTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Apr 19, 2006
10:46 PM EDT
We either have to use proprietary drivers or get FOSS drivers at the expense of being sucked into Intel's DRM. Vendors need to quit paying lipservice to the FOSS philosophy and GET REAL! - dcparris Actually, IMO all we need is for one vendor, either one of the current pack or a newcomer, to open up with full specs for their leading-edge hardware, and:
  • market forces will tear this logjam away
  • kernel hackers will reiteratively optimise that hardware driver (because they can), tuning the kernel logic driving it in the process until that graphics card practically walks on water compared to the others
  • that newly-open vendor will enjoy being the vendor for the Linux market, starting as quickly as the driver modules get to the Live-CD distros, with a sudden near-insurmountable market lead.
  • Linux is a rising-tide here, but, given the current logjam, it's only going to lift that one boat. The others will be left hoping that Vista's eye-candy appeal will be enough to drive new-hardware sales, and wishing they had paid a little more attention to what the Linux-oriented customers want.

    Apr 20, 2006
    7:00 AM EDT
    Well, I do just fine without the proprietary drivers myself. But I'm not sure I like the present situation of having to choose a lesser evil. It's kind of like voting for President (I didn't care for either choice).

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