Inaccuracy on Linux being on store shelves.
Author | Content |
GrueMaster Apr 27, 2006 6:33 AM CST |
In an article over at, they have pictures of Linux on several chain store shelves, including Fry's. Yes, Linspire is there, but also Suse, and RedHat. As to RedHat, I see them all the time in Office Depot. What PJ is trying to say is that having proprietary code supported in a community distribution promotes the idea that closed source is fully acceptable. Even Linus doesn't like the closed source drivers, but he tolerates them, to a degree. What I really dislike it proprietary software that doesn't at least match the features of their other os versions, like Acroreader. As a part time student, I am frustrated that all of my course material is saturated with DRM. And only the Linux version of Acroread doesn't support this. |
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