If distros were people...

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 18
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May 17, 2006
1:35 PM EDT
..what would they be like?

Strictly for the purposes of humour you understand.

Bloated SuSE - seedy old tart, used to be very good looking, now gone to the dogs somewhat.

Mandriva - a confused man with an identity crisis.

Ubuntu - tries to be everything to everyone, has some annoying habits.

Slackware - dominatrix in needle point stilettos and a leather basque. Probably has a whip somewhere about her person.

RedHat - high class corporate call girl.

Fedora - see above (slumming it).

Debian - a hippy with a LOT of children.


May 17, 2006
2:21 PM EDT
>"Debian - a hippy with a LOT of children."

Just 2 children.

But, 1 rabbit, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 5 chickens, somewhere around 30 peacocks, and nobody has managed to count all the ducks. Please watch your step at night; the toads and whipporwills like the walkway. (Don't stand under the trees at night. That's not snow falling. http://edge-op.org/images/2006-04/2006_0418/04180003.jpg )

Oops. You weren't talking about ~users~ of distros. Never mind.

May 17, 2006
3:22 PM EDT
I think you steped in it big this time sal...

May 17, 2006
3:24 PM EDT
sal -

I see Debian as a prissy teacher's pet. Does nice work, but isn't always up to the demands of the real world.

May 17, 2006
3:53 PM EDT
Sal, this is more like it: ---

SuSE - Once a sweet plump young thing, but shacked up with a mobster sugar daddy and picked up way to much weight.

Mandriva - I used to be somebody!!!

Ubuntu - When Debian goes bad... also see 'mass hysteria'

Slackware - dominatrix in needle point stilettos and leather corset. Definitely into whips and bondage.... also see 'repetitive behavior disorder'

RedHat - Pricey corporate whore.

Fedora - see above (slumming it).

Debian - News Flash... Renegade monks form community.

May 17, 2006
5:04 PM EDT
> Mandriva - I used to be somebody!!!

Isn't that "I coulda been a contender!"

> Slackware - dominatrix in needle point stilettos and leather corset. Definitely into whips and bondage..

Yes, but only when the partner wants it that way. The rest of the time she merely wants it simple and rough.

May 17, 2006
5:10 PM EDT
>Isn't that "I coulda been a contender!"

I'll buy that :D

Actually the line is "I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum"

>The rest of the time she merely wants it simple and rough.

That too, but you must add the 'repetitive behavior disorder'

May 17, 2006
5:31 PM EDT
> ...but you must add the 'repetitive behavior disorder

Well, I've never noticed, but lets just say that it's a good thing ADHD wasn't widely recognized when I was a child. :)

May 17, 2006
8:38 PM EDT
I think you stepped in it big this time sal...

Who me? Put my foot in it? Get away.

"Open mouth - change feet". Ought to be on my tombstone.

Just a bit of fun. No insults intended.

May 17, 2006
8:39 PM EDT
Reading this thread gives me a strange feeling. You know the one, like when the BSA and the U.S. Marshals knock down your door and there you stand, wearing your wife's best chain-mail with lime Jello dripping from your head.

May 17, 2006
8:53 PM EDT
Quoting: You know the one, like when the BSA and the U.S. Marshals knock down your door and there you stand, wearing your wife's best chain-mail with lime Jello dripping from your head.

I'm in England. I would get changed before answering the door.

The whole thing might have something to do with the steroids I'm on at the moment. Please feel free to unpost.

May 17, 2006
9:19 PM EDT
Did I mention that a number of those Renegade monks were slightly mad :D

May 17, 2006
10:04 PM EDT
Only slightly?

May 17, 2006
10:07 PM EDT

May 17, 2006
11:59 PM EDT
Must be some of those crazy Slackware users on the loose.

BTW, you left out...

Freeduc - your 3rd grade teacher

Blinux - Helen Keller

Knoppix - travelling tinkerer, everything falls apart as soon as he leaves

Linspire - "Vote for me and I'll set you free!"

Gentoo - the nerdy neighbor kid who compulsively takes your appliances apart and reassembles them, every visit

Damn Small Linux - midget with a 3-ring circus in a backpack

May 18, 2006
12:42 AM EDT
I left nothing out. I started a humourous thread with the intention of revelling in the wit of others.

"Damn Small Linux - midget with a 3-ring circus in a backpack"

Now that's more like it.

May 18, 2006
1:40 AM EDT
PCLinuxOS - Amazing what rehab and a new set of threads can do.

Mepis - 'If I never see another pyramid...' or 'you mean this isn't the ad for Joe Camel?'

May 18, 2006
3:22 AM EDT
Mepis - Mepis Jar Jar's favrit Linux, Mepis.

May 18, 2006
6:52 AM EDT
Caldera - aka Jimmy Hoffa [edit] Ydgrasil - James Dean [/edit]

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