He seems to be missing something.

Story: Lots of bluster, but no real replyTotal Replies: 1
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May 23, 2006
10:10 AM EDT
"If ODF has value, let it compete without a handicap." Isn't this what ODF advocates are trying to do. It is an open standard that anyone can implement with out paying a license fee, allow for open competition, rather than the one entity that holds the patent of the standard they have forced on to the market to make money off all of their competitors who try to make something compatible.

May 23, 2006
11:41 AM EDT
ODF advocates are trying to get application providers to compete without a handicap. Microsoft would rather keep the competition between the formats instead, which with the already-present vendor lock-in, they're able to at least postpone the evil (to them) day when they have to compete on the merits of their application.

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