Couldn't be happier!

Story: Nexvision Introduces World's First IP Video Security Camera Based on TI's DaVinci(TM) TechnologyTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 15, 2006
11:03 AM EDT
This is great! Mr. Blair, Mr. Bush, Mr. Putin, I know you or your friends will be reading this. I just want you to know that I'm so happy that this will allow even more information, more cameras, more security.

Ah, security. So secure, so safe. Happy happy joy joy.

Jun 15, 2006
3:13 PM EDT
I guess they haven't seen the Ogg-Theora security camera system over at Linux Devices.

Bob: Don't worry, after the thugs have mugged and beat you, we'll be able to replay your seccam off your HDD to determine what color ski masks they wore.

Jun 15, 2006
3:17 PM EDT
Well, the technology is very nice... How they use it may be something else altogether.

Jun 16, 2006
12:29 PM EDT
Which reminds me, _Unintended Consequences_ by John Ross has come up in conversation over on again. Great book, highly recommended.

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