MS slush-fund in action?

Story: Tourism Calgary bucks LinuxTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jul 21, 2006
2:20 PM EDT
Yeah, anybody knows we still have to feed GNU/Linux with clay tablets inscribed with Assyrian writing. Novell scared them off by showing them how to bake the tablets.

I wonder how much MS offered to undercut Novell. Doesn't really matter. FOSS is immune against economic influences, unlike companies. MS can't keep on buying customers. There will be a point where it will no longer be economically feasible.

Jul 21, 2006
3:59 PM EDT
I find the opening quite telling:

"As a former Novell NetWare and GroupWise user, Tourism Calgary's decision to standardize its network on Microsoft Corp. technology was based on the IT manager’s belief that Linux isn’t quite ready for prime-time."

Shouldn't "technology" decisions be based on evaluation, rather than "belief"?

There are lots of businesses, governments and individuals who evaluate GNU/Linux versus MS Windows and begin removing the vicious monopolist's products.

Let the stories like this article wither.

Jul 21, 2006
5:29 PM EDT
Indeed "based on the IT manager’s belief" is what we used to call a "failure of due diligence."

Unless you can show me some numbers, some test, demonstrate that some kind of evaluation that was done, you cannot then claim to have made any actual evaluation.

I only hope his name is on this article, and his next employer does a Google search on it.

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